Once product hyperlink in sales order line item is clicked, it is expected that product overview page is opened.
Instead the empty screen is displayed now:
The error is raised in the context of partner determination procedure related logic.
COM_PRODUCT_GET_PARTNER_PROC returns with error code 3: data_inconsistent.
Due to this error, we move to the ELSE branch where the MESSAGE ID statement is executed. Since we are currently in WebClient UI runtime environment as a result exception is raised with error message “Message E COM_HIERARCHY 000 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTPS”.
The root cause of sy-subrc 3 ( data_inconsistent ) error is a corrupted product category assigned to the given product.
This product category does not have any hierarchy ID assigned so function module COM_HIERARCHY_READ raises the exception data_inconsistent.
Once I remove this erroneous category from product, the product overview page could be opened again.