The Kingdom of Happiness

The Kingdom of Happiness

作者: muci | 来源:发表于2017-01-10 23:03 被阅读0次

The Voice of Intuition

Imitation has nothing to do with the beautiful; art consists, not in the copy the Nature, as it is, but in the nobleness of the symbol of that Nature which it represents.

There is a tendency in each one of us to become like the others. We all desire to conform to a certain type and make ourselves fit into molds not of our own making. This is fatal to the development of perfect intuition

We have a tendency all through our nationalism, our forms of worship, to think that we are different from other people; we treat the world as outside of us and we become exclusive in our outlook. We shall be destroying instead of creating if we have such a limited vision, such narrow ideas.

Through your own Voice, through the obeying of that Voice, you must develop your own intuition, your own ideas, and so you will come to the goal where we shall all meet.

A perfect harmony of emotions and of mind is essential, harmonize our strong feelings and keen mind by perfecting and purifying them

The Intuition which is of humanity and not of one particular individual

You must have strong feelings, whether of love, of intense happiness, of real kindness. A person who has no feelings at all is useless; whereas if he has strong feelings, even if they be of the wrong kind, he can always train them to become refined and perfect. It is the person who is hard and indifferent that cannot create, destroy, or construct.

At the same time you must learn control. If you do not, you are wandering away from your Intuition.

Have tremendous feelings. Support yourselves with them.

I would rather be happy than gain all the pretty satisfaction that the world can give.

Interest and Enthusiasm



      本文标题:The Kingdom of Happiness
