

作者: FayeFay | 来源:发表于2019-04-19 20:33 被阅读0次



1. 开头

  1. In the lecture, the speaker makes several points about…/focus on———. It *contradicts what are stated in the reading passage that———.
  2. In the lecture, the professor makes several points about———.The points made by the professor disagree with the reading passage.
  3. In the lecture, the professor argues that———. However, the reading passage contends that———. The professor’s lecture **casts doubt on **the reading passage by using a number of points and examples.

2. 2-4段


  1. According to the professor in the lecture….
    This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because….
  2. The speaker in the listening asserts that…
    This point conflicts with the statement demonstrated in the reading that…
  3. According to the lecture…
    , which rejects the reading in that the reading states
  4. The lecture believes that…
    , which casts doubt on the author’s point that
  5. Contrary to the point in the reading that…
    , the speaker states that…
  6. Challenging the opinion in the reading that…
    , the professor in the lecture argues that…
  7. **Opposing **the statement in the reading that…
    , the professor in the lecture argues that…
  8. The writer of the reading material has mentioned that…
    Nevertheless, in the lecture the professor claims that…
    What the professor states disputes the point of the reading material.
  9. It is discussed in the reading passage that…
    However, the speaker firmly believes that…
    This argument is not in agreement with the points made in the reading.
  10. The assertion of the reading material demonstrates that…
    However, by sharing his perspective that…
    , the professor in the lecture casts doubt on the opinion in the reading.

3. 最常用替换词汇

  1. 听力材料: lecture, listening material, listening, listening passage
  2. 阅读材料: reading, reading material, reading passage, text
  3. 讲话者: lecture, professor, speaker
  4. 文章作者: author, writer
  5. 陈述: state, indicate, believe, suggest, talk about, set forth, argue, demonstrate, assert
  6. 驳斥: refute, disagree with, cast doubt on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradict, differ from, in contrast, counter, reject
  7. 列举: first, second, third, first of all, secondly, also, finally, in addition, what’s more, moreover
  8. 转折: in contrast, however, on the other hand, but
  9. 问题: problem, difficulty, obstacle, hurdle, troubles concern, dispute, threat
  10. 解决: solve, resolve


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