

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-06-27 14:37 被阅读0次


I count myself lucky to live in the relative calm of the countryside, a safe distance away from the chaos1 and claustrophobia of city life. However, I have to venture into the urban jungle every day to work and it's then that I realise how rude city dwellers2 can be.

Maybe I'm being unfair. Not everyone comes from the city – many of us commute3 from somewhere else and, together with a large number of tourists, we are all squeezed into this small space – so it's no surprise that we get irritable4 and hot under the collar.

Competing for a space on the tube train or bus is only one of the reasons that makes us grumpy. Our rush to get into the office and home again means we have no time to make conversation with other people: we are driven by efficiency. Thomas Farley, writer and broadcaster explains that "we’re in a rush, we’re off to a meeting, to a luncheon… and I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I just think


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