Other than eating and breathing, sleeping is the most important source of recovery in our lives. It is also the most powerful of the circadian rhythms that include body temperature, hormone levels and heart rates. The vast majority of our clients report that they are significantly sleep deprived. Few of them recognize just how
dramatically insufficient sleep affects.
Even small amounts of sleep debt—insufficient recovery in our terms—have a significant impact on strength, cardiovascular capacity, mood and overall energy levels. Some fifty studies have shown that mental performance—reaction time, concentration, memory and logical/analytical reasoning—all decline steadily as sleep debt increases. Sleep needs vary by age, gender and genetic predisposition, but the broad scientific consensus is that the average human being needs seven to eight hours a night to function optimally. Several studies have shown that when human beings are placed in isolation, with no exposure to natural light or to clocks, they still sleep approximately seven to eight hours out of every twenty-four.
The longer, more continuously, and later at night you work, the less efficient and more mistake-prone you become.
In addition to its energy renewing function, sleep is also a period during which substantial growth and repair occurs—most of it at the deepest level of sleep, when slow-wave delta brainwaves are dominant. During those periods, cell division is most active, the greatest number of growth hormones and repair enzymes are released and muscles that have been stressed during the day have an opportunity to regenerate. In short, we heal and grow most during the deepest periods of recovery.
我的思考My Thinking
I usually sleep for 6 hours from 2300-500 (4 cycles) which follows the research results of Harvard Medical School. Then nap for 20-30 min in the morning shuttle bus, do exercise or mediate or nap at noon, which boast Energy. I plan to prolong the sleeping time which brings better Energy.