
作者: 阳春白鹅 | 来源:发表于2023-10-08 08:18 被阅读0次

It was the day for my little daughter  to leave  us for the fourth year of college life after spending eight days' holiday. At about half past six in early evening, the three of us began to go out to Jingcheng east realway station.

My husband stepped out the door and moved down the stairs, he carried a suitcase full of our baby's all kinds of clothes, included the light pink down jacket which we had just bought in Blue flower shopping mall yesterday afternoon,  and moved through a hallway to the place where our car stopped. He opened the back box of the car and wedged the suitcase in,  bracing it with a pile of groceries lying on the floor, and closed the back box.

My daughter followed her father,  with a knapsack which contained a dear silk cotton shirt I had sent her  in her right hand. her long light red hair hung from her shoulder, wearing a thick Jean coat with snow white collar and unbutton, appearing a  thin short sleeves shirt,  and she looked very cool.

My daughter swung the driver  door and climbed in, putting the knapsack on the seat behind, sitting there with clutch in her right hand and left hand on the steering wheel.Her head titled to one side and looked at her father, who was opening the door of  the passenger side and stepped in with a peculiar, anima-like grace and sat on the passenger seat, he shut the door slightly, his right leg was crossed  on the left at his knee, right hand was leisurely put on the lower window, and  left hand was slightly by the clutch side.

I followed the two of them and get on the car, sitting on the seat of the back row,watching them quietly and happily. I saw her smiled a little , then she shifted gears, worked clutch, slowly the car was backed out, then her right foot worked on the accelerate, slowly, slowly, she drove our white Ford along the lane toward the main Wenchang street, turning right and heading east to the railway station.


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