世界会变好,我们能做到 - 疫情时期我探索到的积极三物 3 Po

世界会变好,我们能做到 - 疫情时期我探索到的积极三物 3 Po

作者: 我的澳洲日记 | 来源:发表于2020-03-31 19:43 被阅读0次





    当天参加活动的学生并不多,比我想象的要少很多。稍许失望后的我很快调整了心态。因为这是我无法控制的因素啊。那什么是我能够控制的呢?我讲述的内容以及方式。很开心,我最后以一贯清新自然活泼热情,非常真我的方式作完了整个分享。 😊分享结束后,当一些学生告诉我他们对我说的内容很有共鸣并喜欢而且还要实施我的建议(例如,当一个学生为她现在不能探索她所在的城市而感到沮丧时,我说我非常能理解你现在的心情,但是你可以从现在开始就去查阅资料,来创建出你的心愿清单。”),内心瞬间洋溢着满满的喜悦。因为这样一个小小的我,却以自己力所能及的方式激励了一些人。


    而且,它也再次教会我对机会的态度,欣然的去接纳它。这次的分享会,经理是几天前才通知我的。所以在最初看到邮件时我还很犹豫,不知道自己能否胜任这份工作。因为自己从未在Zoom(在线平台)上以网络主播的身份去分享,而且还是给全澳洲的学生。他们会问什么样的问题呢?如果我答不上来那岂不是很丢脸?这种未知让我畏怯。但转念一想,我又默默地开始给自己打气:“你知道吗?你其实永远比你想像的要好很多。倩倩。既然经理给你这个机会就说明她是相信你有这个能力的。所以爽快一点,答应吧。” 很庆幸自己挑战任务成功。





    那天,我独自一人在家,专心致志地参与Zoom工作小组例会,突然听到重重的敲门声。我有点害怕,想着直接忽视吧。但是,这位客人似乎很执着。几分钟后,声音又出现了。 “好吧。”我投降了。于是我一边走向门口一边对自己说:“没事儿的倩倩。放心,现在是白天呢。”令我惊讶的是,门一开,面前站着的居然是我的邻居。 “哦,我只想说,现在对于我们所有人而言都是非常时期,所以如果你有什么需要我帮忙的,请记得一定要告诉我。”他说道。朴实的话语,简简单单的信息,流露的温暖却直抵人心!我们都应该行动起来吧,每天给身边的人传递一些小小的善意。比如,现在你就可以拿起手中的手机,发条信息或打个电话给你的老友,尤其是那些多年未见的。




    每天生活在如此有限的空间,温馨安全的家中,我发现自己的观察力也开始变得敏锐起来,更能欣赏并珍惜身边那些简单纯粹的美好。现在就让我来和你们分享一下我的感恩一二三瞬间吧。 😊


    感恩事之二是我的后院。一天,妈妈发给我一张她阳台上花开的照片,让我不禁想起自己可爱的后院。我的比她的还要好呢 :)它不大,但有高高的树和浅浅的花虫草木。最重要的是这里不是公寓楼,我能直接触碰到地面和土壤。接地气的感觉对我而言意味着一切。我每次休息时就会奔向后院。(每小时五分钟的休息时间对我们的效率可是至关重要呀。)和大自然问好总是舒缓而提神。几分钟就能让我能量恢复。而且我开始记得每天给植物们浇水。多么伟大的转变😊


    除了在工作中的使用,我还参加了中澳青年女性网络(ACYA Women‘s Network)的Zoom会议。成员遍布澳中的各个城市,这是我的第一次会议,我是最新加入的成员。因此,会议一结束,我就主动与三个成员约定了下周一对一的畅聊。期待与她们的亲密对话。你呢?你也有想认识的陌生人吗?

    分享时间到。你们可能都注意到了在LinkedIn上,系统时不时就会推荐你可能认识的人。如果你有空,可以点开看看她们的履历。如果发现了一些有意思的人,就主动与他们建立联系并了解一下彼此吧。现在你不妨优先考虑下不在你城市的人。策略战术还是要有哒。 每当我与一些志趣相投的人在线上聊完后,内心总会特别兴奋,因为从她们的故事中,我总能学到一些新的东西,在不知不觉中成长。




    In this crisis time, it's normal for us to feel scared, stressed and worried. However, in the past week of working from home, I also discovered something else: opportunities, connections and gratitude.

    1. Opportunities

    Working at Kaplan, we are creating many new things for our students, including weekly online events. Just this week, I was very lucky to host an online session, Welcome to New Students. I shared my journey as a former international student nationally across four campuses.

    There were few attendees than I expected, and this is something that I cannot control. What I can control, however, is how I deliver my content, to present with authenticity. I made it. 😊 At the end, when students told me they felt the connection and liked my advice (e.g., "Unfortunately you can't discover your city right now, but you can start to do some research and create your to-do list."), I felt delighted. I inspired some people.

    This is a magical feeling for me. When I was a student, I never thought one day I would share my experience in this platform. But hey, that's the joy of life. It's a reminder for me to keep evolving and thriving, especially during this period. You never know what opportunity you will get.

    Also, it taught me again to say 'YES' to opportunities. This session was offered to me only a few days before the actual event. Initially, I hesitated, wondering if I could do it. I had never done that before, through Zoom and nationally. It was a bit scary. But then I told myself, you are better than you think you are, so just say yes. I am glad I did that. With preparation, everything flowed very well.

    Next week, we are going to have Zoom walk-in sessions for our students. Another exciting new thing for me to participate in and check out.

    2. Connections

    Don't you feel we are more connected and closer than ever before?

    Apart from receiving phone calls and messages from my parents and friends at home (e.g., "Are you ok?" "Do you need any masks? I can send you some from China."), I am also very fortunate to have supportive colleagues. They check up on me via Zoom every single day. Besides, I had an unexpected visitor a few days ago.

    When I was having a Zoom work meeting at home alone, I heard a few loud knocks at my door. I was a bit frightened, so I chose to ignore it. However, a few minutes later, the sound came back again. "Fine." I gave in and walked towards the door while I told myself: "It should be fine Qian. It's day time." To my surprise, it was my neighbour standing in front of me. "Oh, I just want to say, since it's a special time for all of us, please let me know if you need anything from me. I am always here to help." He said. Man, what a simple message, but it really warmed my heart. Act of kindness! Let's do it.

    Now, pick up your phone, message or call your old friends, especially if you haven't talked to them for years. Relationships have become more important than ever before. Sometimes, you can just put your video on with your family or friends while you are doing things. We just need that company.

    Apart from more connections with our outside world, we now have more time to connect with our inside space too, focusing on our inner garden. What do we want/like to do? If we don't know, then try and discover.

    I even get a bit excited. Looking around, there are so many books waiting for me to read, so many articles I want to write and video projects yet to be completed. Now it's time to plan and surprise ourselves and friends later after we come out of our 'caves'. Seeing ourselves grow and blossom can be really rewarding. and working on our hobbies is also a joyful thing to do, right?

    3. Gratitude

    As our current space is limited, I find I am more observant and appreciative of simple joys of life. Let me share with you three things for now. 😊

    First is the fact that I live only 10 minutes away from the river. At the end of every day, I really cherish being able to go out and jog along the river. To smell the fresh air and sweet grass, feel the sun shining behind my back, hear birds chirping, and see the green world is so enjoyable and therapeutic after staying at home the whole day. My heart becomes brighter and lighter instantly.

    The second thing is my backyard.

    After my mum sending me a picture, one of her flowers in her balcony blossomed, it reminded me of my lovely yard. Mine is even better than hers, haha. Well, it is small, but I have trees and plants. The most important thing is I am not living in an apartment, so I can touch the ground and soil where I feel more grounded. I have started to walk to my backyard during my break time. Taking a break every hour is crucial for our productivity. And connecting with nature is so soothing and refreshing. I feel charged after a few minutes. Another good thing is I finally remembered to water my plants every single day this week. Great change hey😊

    The third thing is Zoom, the most popular online meeting platform now, I guess. We are so connected that coronavirus could spread globally quickly. But again, this is something we cannot change/control. So, is there any benefit of living in today's world? Yes, technology. Zoom, for example, allows us to communicate with one another at our fingertips. Let's take advantage of it.

    Apart from using it at work, I had my first Zoom meeting with the Australia China Youth Association (ACYA) Women's Network. We are all based in different cities in either Australia or China, and I was new to everyone. So right after the meeting, I arranged one on one catch-ups with three team members. I look forward to meeting them all in this upcoming week. Do you have any strangers that you want to meet too?

    Have many of you noticed that LinkedIn always recommends people that you may know? Pay some attention and check their profiles. Connect with those who you may find interesting and schedule a meeting. Now you can prioritise the ones who are not in your city. Let's be strategic. 😊 I always feel so excited after meeting a likeminded person remotely, because by listening to his/her stories, I can learn something new, enrich my life and become a better version of myself.

    Also, be creative too. Use Zoom to organise a band rehearsal. I did that this Saturday afternoon, a great alternative!

    So, your turn now. What are the things that you took for granted? Tell me your list.

    When a challenge arises, first we have to acknowledge it, then control what we can control, such as the way we handle it. We all have the capacity to discover the simple joys of life as we find our own solutions. I am sure we will get over this tough situation. At the end of the road, there's bright sunshine waiting for us. For now, let's be grateful for what we have, focus on our inner world, and stay connected.



          本文标题:世界会变好,我们能做到 - 疫情时期我探索到的积极三物 3 Po
