I spend half year helping my expat boyfriend look for job, there are only 3 of them arranged interviews.
However, most popular job vacancy you can find it everywhere is: English teacher.
But my boyfriend is not native English speaker, he doesn’t have teaching experience and he is a IT guy.
At the present, we are still looking for jobs.
I am putting all the resourses together to have a clear map on mind:
1.Chinese Newspapers in English
·Beijing Today
·China Daily
·Global Times China
·Shanghai Daily
·South China Morning Post
(haven't found any jobs.)
In China, the most valuable and effective way is relationshiop (Guanxi). I asked friends, friends’friends, relatives, colleagues, strangers online, etc.
(haven't found anything yet.)
3. KeyChinese job sites
·51 Jobs(Chinese)
·58.com(in Chinese, the craigslist of China)
·China XPat Jobs
·China Recruit
·China Job
·New China Career
·Asia Expat
·The Beijinger
·Enjoy Shanghai
·Shanghai craigslist
·AmCham Shanghai
·Shanghai Expat
·Smart Shanghai
·Shenzhen Party
·Shenzhen Stuff
·Search Directly on Company Websites
4. Wechat
Wechat is the most popular social network in China, you can:
1. join groups (you will need invitation from others)
2. follow Official Accounts: GuideinChina, ExpatExpress, Chinajob, ChinaWire, Foreigner365, ShenzhenParty, PandaGuidesOfficial, etc.
5. Geographical area
Shanghai and Beijing: many kinds
Ningbo and Shenzhen: traders.
Chongqing: financing
Dalian: IT
Suzhou, Wuhan and many other Tier 2 cities: manufacturing
(We are in Shenzhen, so far haven't found anythingthat are suitable, I guess we may have to move)
6. Headhunters/Recruitment agencies
Received one email from Rupro Consulting, but got nothing back yet.
Sent to ZW HR Consulting, Cornerstone Global Partners, Michael Page, EEDOW, found them from LinkedIn, hopefully hear something.
(Continue updating...)
7. Job fairs, business events, clubs, etc
(Haven't joined any yet)
.... More https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20567376