Deja vu

作者: 自己的魔术师 | 来源:发表于2018-08-03 22:32 被阅读0次
Deja vu

It's like rolling the filming back once again.

Losing the intensity I was once submerged, details start to unveil themselves.

What if rolling back is a way forward?

What if tearing out the scare is the only means to truly know yourself?

Would you step up and never look back?

Or be a scared kitty and trembling in a cold dark night, regarding the choice you once made, fancying the alternative life that you could have lived.

Can we change who we are? Are we capable of choosing our own path, reaching the desired destination?

If a human is nothing but a merchandise, how would we as individuals being described?

Regarding all the differences between each and every individual, what do we have in common? Blood? Flesh? Bone? Brain? We aren’t that much different from other species living under the same atmosphere without examining the philosophical differences. Human beings are just as mundane as every living creatures on earth. We born, raised, loved, fucked, then died as how others would and have been. Fighting each other for better resources and the right to coitus with the spouse with superior gene just as how it is for those specious hunted by us in the wild.


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      本文标题:Deja vu
