5.29 日 Pavement Parking

5.29 日 Pavement Parking

作者: Ghosting | 来源:发表于2016-07-07 22:41 被阅读0次

illegally adv.不法地

resident adj.定居的,常驻的;  [计]常驻的,常存于内存中的;  [动]不迁徙的(鸟兽等);  固有的,内在的 n.居民;  (旅馆的)住宿者;  住院医师

strick n.一束(梳理好的)麻或丝;  收布景;  拆景

charity n.慈善(行为);  施舍,捐助;  慈善机关;  仁爱,宽容\

blind adj.失明的;  盲目的,轻率的;  供盲人用的;  隐蔽的 vt.弄瞎,使失明;  蒙蔽,欺瞒;  使变暗;  使昏聩 n.掩饰;  借口;  百叶窗 adv.盲目地;  看不见地

I don't agree this behavior because of three parts : No.1 Every person has his private space the house is no exception.the driver takes up your private space when he parks on the pavement in front of your house.No.2 you know It's very dangerous for the children.  children are glad to play games outdoor.if there is a car that parking on the pavements, it's insecure.

This is just a way to remind people of legal parking

My point of view is that maybe it's a very safe city, even though the traffic is not very convenient;

Provide ample parking space

For this kind of situation, I think it is to be able to forgive. if someone's child have a fever,as a parent he must be Anxious,so he don't think a lot when he needs a parking space.

For this kind of behavior, should be severely punished

As you know a corner usually with a lot of people ,They are waiting the traffic lights  or they are crossing a road. It's  possible to heat them if you overtaking on a corner ,It's a very dangerous behavior to everybody.


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      本文标题:5.29 日 Pavement Parking
