Princeton Alogorithm COS 226 Wee

Princeton Alogorithm COS 226 Wee

作者: 西部小笼包 | 来源:发表于2019-09-28 20:01 被阅读0次

    There are a lot of situation we need to sort. when we go to library, the book is also arrange in a sorted way to bring convenience to client to easily find them.

    if a list of thing can be sort, so it must have a total order

    Total order


    In java, we should implement Comparable interface to make a class have a total order

    Sort algorithm

    the sort algorithm introduced in this class is basic. first is selection sort, in one for loop we fetch the min, and move it into beginning. then find next min.

    insertion sort is a useful tool, when array is small and nearly sorted. please mock it like u find a new poker card, u need to find a suitable position to insert it.

    shell sort
    the idea of it is that move entries more than one position at a time by h-sorting the array
    then they array will become nearly in order. then use insert sort will be super faster.
    the tricky part is that which increment sequence to use?


    the time complexity is also a interesting part of it. it is n ^ 3/2.


    we usually use it for small subarrays


    one famous algorithm for it is knuth shuffle.
    the way is that in iteration i, pick integer r between 0 and i uniformly at random.
    then swap a[i] and a[r].

    there are a very interesting example in the courses when a poker game website use wrong algorithm which lose money by hacker.

    convex hull


    convex hull application


    the algorithm of graham scan to solve this problem have 3 step.

    1. choose point p with smallest y cooridinate
    2. sort points by polar angle with p
    3. consider points in order; discard unless it create a ccw turn
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    this problem could be solved by the hash set, but this lecture is totally about elementary sort, we could use sort two array, then find a way to solve the problem.
    think we can first sort by y then by x, and maintain two pointer. one iterate a[], one iterate b[].
    move the small one, if they are same,then we find a answer.



    the key idea behind it is to find a representative of a pattern. so we can sort both array, use the smallest alphabetic order as a representative to compare them are equal.



    the idea behind it is more similar to the quick sort partition. we keep 3 pointer when is the boundary of 0 and 1, one is boundary of unknown and 1, one is boundary of unknown and 2.
    so we move the middle pointer, to call color, know what the color of this unknown cell. then decide to swap to and last pointer(keep 2) or first pointer(keep 0).

    extra credit

    solve convex hull Jarvis Algorithm

    this alogorithm we, need to find the upmost point. then for loop all other point find the max counter clock wise point to add it into the result

    the time complexity if O (m * n), m is result data size, n is input data size.

    course quiz and project : https://github.com/yixuaz/algorithm4-princeton-cos226



          本文标题:Princeton Alogorithm COS 226 Wee
