

作者: 动态快报 | 来源:发表于2018-01-13 17:02 被阅读0次

Rarely have the opportunity to go to the countryside, he saw the beautiful scenery around this time, still admire. Look at the branches of the buttonwood stretching outward! Look at the glistening water in the stream! Heard him yelling at these bland things, walking beside him the boy suddenly laughed, the original beauty of nature is so fresh for him. He seldom walks outside the wall, because he wants to learn something, the charming scenery can't teach him. ( phaedru, 230d )

In the most difficult years, the war brought too many dirty and disease to the crowded city within the wall, but even so, he did not let these problems shake his enthusiasm and happiness. Any day, you are likely to see barefoot in the market square after he stopped someone, eager to discuss the real nature of this or that kind of virtue with each other. He surrounded by others may be a merchant stalls under the long pillars of the south arcade, or taoruias stadium ( the calmy de, 153a ), or the Lv Keang stadium ( Syria fleur, 2a; Lucius, 203a; Oedema, 271a; Will drink, 223d ), because the boys will go there to exercise, and he is always looking for new talent.

In order to work, he will appear in the square every day due diligence, even after the night before the booze also throbbing ( will drink, 223d ), but he refused to accept any compensation for the job ( defense, 19d - e ). Perhaps, his wife back bitch this reputation, is related to his noble decision to work for free. This falls on any wife's head will cause complaints, especially if they have three sons to raise. His wife's name, xanthippe, was later used to refer to nagging, irascible women. In the taming of the shrew, Shakespeare had petruchio describe Catherine as " zapper or worse than her" ( scene 1, scene 2 ). When zapper became a widow, their youngest son was still tottering. ( phaedo, 60a ) his net worth, including his house, is only 5 MENA [ Xenophon: economic, 2.3.4 - 5 ], equivalent to the price of the sophists in the last class ( Xenophon: defense, 209b ), is better than


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