关于vue3+ts使用websocket 并且使用心跳机制

关于vue3+ts使用websocket 并且使用心跳机制

作者: Morbid_D | 来源:发表于2024-09-12 15:22 被阅读0次

import { ref } from 'vue';


  • Custom WebSocket hook that provides functionality to connect, send messages,
  • and handle reconnection with heartbeat support.
  • @param wsUri - The WebSocket URI to connect to.
  • @param heartbeatMessage - The message to be sent periodically as a heartbeat. Default is 'heartbeat'.
  • @param reconnectInterval - Interval (in ms) to attempt reconnection after WebSocket disconnection. Default is 5000 ms.
  • @param timeout - Interval (in ms) between heartbeats and connection checks. Default is 20000 ms.
  • @returns - An object containing the WebSocket reference,
  •        methods to send messages, initialize connection, and close connection manually.

export function useWebSocket(wsUri: string, heartbeatMessage = 'heartbeat', reconnectInterval = 5000, timeout = 20000) {
// Reactive reference for the WebSocket connection
const websock = ref<WebSocket | null>(null);

// Boolean flag to avoid multiple reconnections simultaneously
const lockReconnect = ref<boolean>(false);

// Variables to hold the timeouts for heartbeat and reconnection logic
let timeoutObj: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null;
let serverTimeoutObj: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null;
let timeoutnum: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null;


  • Initialize the WebSocket connection.
  • Sets up the event handlers for open, error, message, and close events.
    const initWebSocket = () => {
    if (websock.value) {
    console.log('WebSocket is already initialized.');
// Create a new WebSocket connection
websock.value = new WebSocket(wsUri);

// Set up event handlers for WebSocket
websock.value.onopen = websocketonopen;
websock.value.onerror = websocketonerror;
websock.value.onmessage = websocketonmessage;
websock.value.onclose = websocketclose;



  • Event handler for WebSocket 'onopen' event.
  • This is triggered when the WebSocket connection is successfully opened.
    const websocketonopen = () => {
    websocketsend('Connection established'); // Send a confirmation message
    startHeartbeat(); // Start sending heartbeat messages


  • Event handler for WebSocket 'onerror' event.
  • This is triggered when there's an error in the WebSocket connection.
  • @param e - The event object from the error.
    const websocketonerror = (e: Event) => {
    console.error('WebSocket connection error', e);
    websock.value = null;
    reconnect(); // Try to reconnect when an error occurs


  • Event handler for WebSocket 'onmessage' event.
  • This is triggered when the WebSocket receives a message.
  • @param event - The message event object from the WebSocket.
    const websocketonmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
    console.log('Received message from server:', event.data);
    resetHeartbeat(); // Reset the heartbeat timer after receiving a message
// Handle the received data
try {
  const data = JSON.parse(event.data); // Parse the JSON message from the server
  // Process the data as needed (you can customize this part)
  console.log('Parsed data:', data);
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Error parsing JSON:', e); // Log any errors with JSON parsing



  • Event handler for WebSocket 'onclose' event.
  • This is triggered when the WebSocket connection is closed.
  • @param e - The close event object.
    const websocketclose = (e: CloseEvent) => {
    console.log('WebSocket connection closed:', e);
    reconnect(); // Attempt to reconnect when the WebSocket is closed


  • Send a message through the WebSocket connection.
  • @param msg - The message to be sent through the WebSocket.
    const websocketsend = (msg: string) => {
    if (websock.value?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
    websock.value.send(msg); // Send the message if the WebSocket is open


  • Reconnect the WebSocket connection.
  • This is triggered when the WebSocket connection fails and needs to reconnect.
    const reconnect = () => {
    if (lockReconnect.value) return; // If reconnecting is locked, do nothing
lockReconnect.value = true; // Lock the reconnection to prevent multiple attempts

// Clear any existing reconnection timeouts
timeoutnum && clearTimeout(timeoutnum);

// Attempt reconnection after a delay
timeoutnum = setTimeout(() => {
  initWebSocket(); // Re-initialize WebSocket connection
  lockReconnect.value = false; // Unlock reconnection
}, reconnectInterval); // Reconnect after specified interval



  • Reset the heartbeat mechanism.
  • Called when a message is received to reset the heartbeat timers.
    const resetHeartbeat = () => {
    timeoutObj && clearTimeout(timeoutObj); // Clear the current heartbeat timeout
    serverTimeoutObj && clearTimeout(serverTimeoutObj); // Clear the server-side timeout
    startHeartbeat(); // Start the heartbeat mechanism again


  • Start the heartbeat mechanism.

  • Periodically sends a heartbeat message to the server to keep the connection alive.
    const startHeartbeat = () => {
    timeoutObj && clearTimeout(timeoutObj); // Clear existing heartbeat timeouts
    serverTimeoutObj && clearTimeout(serverTimeoutObj);
    // Start the timeout to send a heartbeat after the specified interval
    timeoutObj = setTimeout(() => {
    // If the WebSocket connection is open, send a heartbeat message
    if (websock.value?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
    websocketsend(heartbeatMessage); // Send the heartbeat message
    } else {
    reconnect(); // Reconnect if the WebSocket is not open

    // Set another timeout to close the connection if no heartbeat response is received
    serverTimeoutObj = setTimeout(() => {
    websock.value?.close(); // Close the WebSocket if no response is received
    }, timeout);
    }, timeout);


  • Manually close the WebSocket connection.
  • This clears any ongoing timeouts and closes the WebSocket.
    const closeWebSocket = () => {
    if (websock.value) {
    websock.value.close(); // Close the WebSocket connection
    websock.value = null; // Set WebSocket reference to null
// Clear all timeouts related to heartbeat and reconnection
timeoutObj && clearTimeout(timeoutObj);
serverTimeoutObj && clearTimeout(serverTimeoutObj);
timeoutnum && clearTimeout(timeoutnum);

console.log('WebSocket connection closed manually');


// Automatically initialize WebSocket on component mount
// onMounted(() => {
// initWebSocket();
// });

// // Automatically close WebSocket on component unmount to prevent memory leaks
// onBeforeUnmount(() => {
// closeWebSocket();
// });

return {
websock, // Expose WebSocket reference
websocketsend, // Expose method to send messages
initWebSocket, // Expose method to manually initialize WebSocket
closeWebSocket // Expose method to manually close WebSocket
import { useWebSocket } from './useWebSocket'; // Import the WebSocket hook (adjust path as necessary)
const wsUri = ‘wss://’
const { websock, websocketsend, initWebSocket, closeWebSocket } = useWebSocket(wsUri);



      本文标题:关于vue3+ts使用websocket 并且使用心跳机制
