Accuracy is generally not the preferred performance measure for classifiers, especially when you are dealing with skewed datasets (i.e., when some classes are much more frequent than others).
Confusion Matrix
A much better way to evaluate the performance of a classifier is to look at the confusion matrix.
To compute the confusion matrix, you first need to have a set of predictions, so they can be compared to the actual targets. You could make predictions on the test set, but let’s keep it untouched for now (remember that you want to use the test set only at the very end of your project, once you have a classifier that you are ready to launch). Instead, you can use the cross_val_predict() function:

Just like the cross_val_score() function, cross_val_predict() performs K-fold cross-validation, but instead of returning the evaluation scores, it returns the predictions made on each test fold. This means that you get a clean prediction for each instance in the training set (“clean” meaning that the prediction is made by a model that never saw the data during training).
Now you are ready to get the confusion matrix using the confusion_matrix() function. Just pass it the target classes ( y_train_5 ) and the predicted classes ( y_train_pred ):
![Uploading image_917115.png . . .]
Each row in a confusion matrix represents an actual class, while each column represents a predicted class.
Precision and Recall
Scikit-Learn provides several functions to compute classifier metrics, including precision and recall:

To compute the F 1 score, simply call the f1_score() function:

The F 1 score favors classifiers that have similar precision and recall. This is not always what you want: in some contexts you mostly care about precision, and in other contexts you really care about recall.
Precision/Recall Tradeoff
To understand this tradeoff, let’s look at how the SGDClassifier makes its classification decisions. For each instance, it computes a score based on a decision function, and if that score is greater than a threshold, it assigns the instance to the positive class, or else it assigns it to the negative class.
So how can you decide which threshold to use? For this you will first need to get the scores of all instances in the training set using the cross_val_predict() function again, but this time specifying that you want it to return decision scores instead of predictions:

Now with these scores you can compute precision and recall for all possible thresholds using the precision_recall_curve() function:

The ROC Curve
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is another common tool used with binary classifiers. It is very similar to the precision/recall curve, but instead of plotting precision versus recall, the ROC curve plots the true positive rate (another name for recall) against the false positive rate. The FPR is the ratio of negative instances that are incorrectly classified as positive. It is equal to one minus the true negative rate, which is the ratio of negative instances that are correctly classified as negative. The TNR is also called specificity. Hence the ROC curve plots sensitivity (recall) versus 1 – specificity. To plot the ROC curve, you first need to compute the TPR and FPR for various threshold values, using the roc_curve() function:

Once again there is a tradeoff: the higher the recall (TPR), the more false positives (FPR) the classifier produces. The dotted line represents the ROC curve of a purely random classifier; a good classifier stays as far away from that line as possible (toward the top-left corner).
Scikit-Learn provides a function to compute the ROC AUC:

Since the ROC curve is so similar to the precision/recall (or PR) curve, you may wonder how to decide which one to use. As a rule of thumb, you should prefer the PR curve whenever the positive class is rare or when you care more about the false positives than the false negatives, and the ROC curve otherwise. For example, looking at the previous ROC curve (and the ROC AUC score), you may think that the classifier is really good. But this is mostly because there are few positives (5s) compared to the negatives (non-5s). In contrast, the PR curve makes it clear that the classifier has room for improvement (the curve could be closer to the top-right corner).
- Multi-Class Classification
For multi-label classification, you get the decision score from each classifier for that image and you select the class whose classifier outputs the highest score. This is called the one-versus-all (OvA) strategy (also called one-versus-the-rest).
Another strategy is to train a binary classifier for every pair of digits: one to distinguish 0s and 1s, another to distinguish 0s and 2s, another for 1s and 2s, and so on. This is called the one-versus-one (OvO) strategy. If there are N classes, you need to train N × (N – 1) / 2 classifiers. For the MNIST problem, this means training 45 binary classifiers! When you want to classify an image, you have to run the image through all 45 classifiers and see which class wins the most duels. The main advantage of OvO is that each classifier only needs to be trained on the part of the training set for the two classes that it must distinguish.
Some algorithms (such as Support Vector Machine classifiers) scale poorly with the size of the training set, so for these algorithms OvO is preferred since it is faster to train many classifiers on small training sets than training few classifiers on large training sets. For most binary classification algorithms, however, OvA is preferred.
If you want to force ScikitLearn to use one-versus-one or one-versus-all, you can use the OneVsOneClassifier or OneVsRestClassifier classes. Simply create an instance and pass a binary classifier to its constructor. For example, this code creates a multi‐class classifier using the OvO strategy, based on a SGDClassifier:

- Error Analysis
First, you can look at the confusion matrix. You need to make predictions using the cross_val_predict() function, then call the confusion_matrix() function, just like you did earlier:
That’s a lot of numbers. It’s often more convenient to look at an image representation of the confusion matrix, using Matplotlib’s matshow() function:

This confusion matrix looks fairly good, since most images are on the main diagonal, which means that they were classified correctly. The 5s look slightly darker than the other digits, which could mean that there are fewer images of 5s in the dataset or that the classifier does not perform as well on 5s as on other digits. In fact, you can verify that both are the case.
Let’s focus the plot on the errors. First, you need to divide each value in the confusion matrix by the number of images in the corresponding class, so you can compare error rates instead of absolute number of errors (which would make abundant classes look unfairly bad):

Now you can clearly see the kinds of errors the classifier makes. Remember that rows represent actual classes, while columns represent predicted classes. The columns for classes 8 and 9 are quite bright, which tells you that many images get misclassified as 8s or 9s. Similarly, the rows for classes 8 and 9 are also quite bright, telling you that 8s and 9s are often confused with other digits. Conversely, some rows are pretty dark, such as row 1: this means that most 1s are classified correctly (a few are confused with 8s, but that’s about it). Notice that the errors are not perfectly symmetrical; for example, there are more 5s misclassified as 8s than the reverse.
Analyzing the confusion matrix can often give you insights on ways to improve your classifier. Looking at this plot, it seems that your efforts should be spent on improving classification of 8s and 9s, as well as fixing the specific 3/5 confusion. For example, you could try to gather more training data for these digits. Or you could engineer new features that would help the classifier—for example, writing an algorithm to count the number of closed loops (e.g., 8 has two, 6 has one, 5 has none). Or you could preprocess the images (e.g., using Scikit-Image, Pillow, or OpenCV) to make some patterns stand out more, such as closed loops.
- Multilabel Classification
Let’s look at a simpler example, just for illustration purposes:

This code creates a y_multilabel array containing two target labels for each digit image: the first indicates whether or not the digit is large (7, 8, or 9) and the second indicates whether or not it is odd. The next lines create a KNeighborsClassifier instance (which supports multilabel classification, but not all classifiers do) and we train it using the multiple targets array. Now you can make a prediction, and notice that it outputs two labels:

And it gets it right! The digit 5 is indeed not large ( False ) and odd ( True ). There are many ways to evaluate a multilabel classifier, and selecting the right metric really depends on your project. For example, one approach is to measure the F1 score for each individual label (or any other binary classifier metric discussed earlier), then simply compute the average score. This code computes the average F1 score across all labels:

This assumes that all labels are equally important, which may not be the case. In particular, if you have many more pictures of Alice than of Bob or Charlie, you may want to give more weight to the classifier’s score on pictures of Alice. One simple option is to give each label a weight equal to its support (i.e., the number of instances with that target label). To do this, simply set average="weighted" in the preceding code.