CIPT模拟题 #2

作者: 遥望潇湘 | 来源:发表于2023-04-01 22:27 被阅读0次


题目 #1  Which of the following is a key challenge in implementing homomorphic encryption?

A. High computational overhead

B. Limited key sizes

C. Inability to handle large datasets

D. Lack of standardization

题目 #2  Which of the following is a technique for protecting privacy in the context of location-based services?

A. Geotagging

B. Geofencing

C. Geolocation masking

D. Geo-encryption

题目 #3 Which of the following is a potential drawback of using differential privacy?

A. Increased computational complexity

B. Reduced accuracy of data analysis

C. Difficulty in implementing the algorithm

D. Increased risk of data breaches

题目 #4 Which of the following is a technique used in differential privacy to protect the privacy of individual data records?

A. Data masking

B. Data perturbation

C. Data hashing

D. Data encryption

题目 #5 Which of the following is a technique used in k-anonymity to protect the privacy of individual data records?

A. Data masking

B. Data perturbation

C. Data generalization

D. Data encryption

场景题 #6: A multinational company, XYZ Inc., is planning to implement a new HR system to manage employee data. The new system will store personal information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, and employment history. The system will also track employee performance and attendance. The data will be stored on servers located in multiple countries. The company wants to ensure the system is compliant with all applicable data protection laws.

What should XYZ Inc. do to ensure compliance with data protection laws when implementing the new HR system?

A. Conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) to identify and mitigate privacy risks.

B. Implement strong technical and organizational security measures to protect employee data.

C. Obtain explicit consent from employees before collecting and processing their personal data.

D. Limit the retention period for employee data to minimize the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure.

场景题 #7:A company named XYZ is developing a new mobile app that will collect personal data from users, including their name, email address, and location data. The company plans to use this data to provide personalized recommendations and promotions to users. The app will also share data with third-party vendors for analytics purposes.

What is the most important consideration for XYZ when selecting third-party vendors to share data with?

A. The vendor's reputation in the industry.

B. The vendor's willingness to sign a data processing agreement.

C. The vendor's ability to provide detailed analytics reports.

D. The vendor's data protection and security measures.

场景题 #8:SmartHome Inc. is a company that produces smart home devices such as thermostats, security cameras, and door locks. The company has recently released a new product called SmartHome Hub, which is a central device that connects to all other smart home devices and allows users to control them through a mobile app. The SmartHome Hub collects the following data:

User name; Email address; Home address; Device usage data (e.g. temperature settings, door lock status, etc.); Voice recordings (when users give voice commands to the device)

What security measures should SmartHome Inc. implement to BEST protect the personal data collected by the SmartHome Hub?

A. Encrypt all personal data collected by the SmartHome Hub.

B. Implement two-factor authentication for accessing the mobile app.

C. Store all personal data on a third-party cloud server.

D. Allow users to delete their personal data from the SmartHome Hub at any time.

场景题 #9-#10: SmartHome Inc. is a company that produces and sells smart home devices, including smart locks, cameras, and thermostats. The company has recently developed a new product, a smart speaker, that uses voice recognition technology to control other smart home devices. The smart speaker collects voice data from users and sends it to SmartHome Inc.'s servers for processing. The company also uses AI algorithms to analyze the collected data and provide personalized recommendations to users.

题目 #9 What would be the best way for SmartHome Inc. to address the privacy concerns with the smart speaker product?

A. Provide users with clear and concise privacy notices.

B. Implement technical controls to secure the storage and processing of voice data.

C. Obtain explicit consent from users before collecting and processing voice data.

D. Use encryption to protect the transmission of voice data to SmartHome Inc.'s servers.

题目 #10: What is the potential privacy harm associated with the use of AI algorithms to analyze the collected data?

A. Unauthorized access or disclosure of voice data.

B. Discrimination and bias.

C. Inaccurate or misleading recommendations to users.

D. None of the above.



题目#2: 选C. 地理位置脱敏是一种在位置服务中保护隐私的技术。它包括在位置数据中添加噪声,以防止个人信息泄露。地理标记是向照片或视频等媒体添加地理元数据的过程。地理围栏是一种围绕地理区域定义虚拟边界的技术。地理位置加密不是一个常用的术语。

题目#3: 选B。差分隐私往数据中添加噪音,降低数据精准度,进而影响数据分析结果的准确度。

题目#4: 选B。差分隐私往数据中添加噪音,属于数据扰动。

题目#5: 选C。k-匿名通过确保每个记录与数据集中至少k-1个其他记录不可区分,它是数据泛化的一种实现形式。

题目#6: 选A。在计划涉及个人数据处理的新系统开发时,进行DPIA是最佳实践。它有助于识别和减轻隐私风险,并确保有适当的保障措施来保护个人资料。实施强有力的技术和组织安全措施,获得员工的明确同意,以及限制员工数据的保留期限也是确保遵守数据保护法的重要步骤,但它们并不是新系统的开发时的首要任务。

题目#7: 选D。在选择可共享数据的第三方供应商时,最重要的考虑因素是供应商的数据保护和安全措施。这对于确保用户数据得到充分保护和安全以及供应商遵守相关隐私法规至关重要。虽然供应商的声誉和提供详细分析报告的能力是重要因素,但它们不应优先于数据保护和安全。

题目#8: 选A。加密收集的所有个人数据是一项基本也最重要的保安措施,有助保护个人数据免受未经授权的查阅。多因素身份认证和允许用户删除他们的个人数据也是很好的实践,但它们不能直接解决数据本身的安全问题。将个人数据存储在第三方云服务器上可能会带来额外的安全风险。

题目#9: 选C。最好的办法是在收集和处理语音数据之前获得用户的明确同意。这确保用户完全了解数据收集和处理实践,并可以就是否使用该产品做出自己的决定。提供清晰简洁的隐私通知和技术控制措施,以加强隐私保护很必要,但获得明确的同意是最关键的一步

题目#10: 选B。人工智能算法训练所用的数据可能会包含歧视和偏见,而人工智能算法本身可能会无意中延续或放大数据中现有的偏见和歧视,导致对某些用户群体的不公平或歧视性结果。这可能会对隐私和社会产生重大影响


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    本文标题:CIPT模拟题 #2
