
作者: 榴莲气象 | 来源:发表于2019-01-01 15:55 被阅读20次

    观测的还是选用Wyoming upper air data而不是IDD的,这个垂直层更多

    查看其它操作Sounding Initialization




    Intro to Skew-Ts and Sounding Parameters

    The sounding class supports the following initialization modes:

    • From a University of Wyoming txt file
    • From a University of Wyoming Website
    • Form an ARM sounding Netcdf file
    • From a dictionary with the field names, field values pairs
    • Adding individual fields manually

    University of Wyoming Sounding Data

    Fetch from txt file

    The easiest way to get sounding data is to visit the University of Wyoming’s website:


    To get some sounding data, follow the link and find the date, and location you are interested in, view the data as a text file and just save the file to your system. If you want to get loads of data please be considerate about the way you go about doing this! (Lots of wget requests makes the server administrators unhappy).

    You can also pass your own data to SkewT by writing a text file in identical format to the University of Wyoming files, which are constant-width columns. Here’s a sample of the first few lines of one of the bundled examples:

    94975 YMHB Hobart Airport Observations at 00Z 02 Jul 2013

    hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K

    1004.0 27 12.0 10.2 89 7.84 330 14 284.8 306.7 286.2
    1000.0 56 12.4 10.3 87 7.92 325 16 285.6 307.8 286.9
    993.0 115 12.8 9.7 81 7.66 311 22 286.5 308.1 287.9

    From now on, it’s assumed that the package is installed and the current working directory is the examples one, included in this package.

    To read a sounding from a txt file and create a quick plot using the default parameters we only have to do:

    from SkewTplus.sounding import sounding
    #Load the sounding data
    mySounding = sounding("./exampleSounding.txt",fileFormat='txt')
    #Do a quick plot

    The resulting plot will look like this:


    Fetch from University Of Wyoming Website

    The sounding class supports getting University of Wyoming sound data directly from the UWYO website, we only need to specify the date and the station id.

    For example, to initialize the class with with the sounding from “72558 OAX Omaha” station, at April 10th of 2017 OO UTC we simple do:

    from SkewTplus.sounding import sounding
    #Load the sounding data
    mySounding = sounding("20170410:00",fileFormat='web', stationId= "OAX")
    #Do a quick plot

    ARM Sounding Data

    The sounding class also supports initialization from ARM sounding data (Netcdf files). For example:

    from SkewTplus.sounding import sounding
    #Load the sounding data
    mySounding = sounding("./armSoundingExample.cdf",fileFormat='arm')
    #Do a quick plot

    From a dictionary

    The sounding class can be initialized from a dictionary with “field names” , “field values” pairs. The Temperature should be in Celsius degrees and the pressure in hPa.

    The next is an example of a dictionary initialization used to plot a sounding from a WRF output file:

    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    import numpy
    from SkewTplus.sounding import sounding
    #Load the WRF File
    wrfOutputFile = Dataset("wrfOutputExample.nc")
    theta = wrfOutputFile.variables["T"][:] + 300 # Potential temperature
    # Pressure in hPa
    pressure = (wrfOutputFile.variables['P'][:] + wrfOutputFile.variables['PB'][:])
    qvapor = wrfOutputFile.variables['QVAPOR'][:]
    qvapor = numpy.ma.masked_where(qvapor <0.00002, qvapor)
    T0 = 273.15
    referencePressure = 100000.0  # [Pa]
    epsilon = 0.622  # Rd / Rv
    # Temperatures in Celsius
    temperature = theta* numpy.power((pressure / referencePressure), 0.2854) - T0
    vaporPressure = pressure * qvapor / (epsilon + qvapor)
    dewPointTemperature = 243.5 / ((17.67 / numpy.log(vaporPressure * 0.01 / 6.112)) - 1.) #In celsius
    dewPointTemperature = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(dewPointTemperature)
    # Now we have the pressure, temperature and dew point temperature in the whole domain
    # Select one vertical column , t =0 , x=30, y=30
    inputData = dict(pressure=pressure[0,:,30,30]/100,
    mySounding = sounding(inputData)

    Adding Fields Manually

    The sounding class supports an empty initialization (without any fields). With the addField() method, new fields can be added to the class. With this kind of initialization full control ever the fields added can be obtained. Internally, the class stores the field data values as soundingArrayclasses. This class is a MaskedArray with metadata (long Name,units and missing data value).

    To exemplify the use of this initialization, the previous example of the sounding with WRF data coded to use the addField() method:

    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    import numpy
    from SkewTplus.sounding import sounding
    #Load the WRF File
    wrfOutputFile = Dataset("wrfOutputExample.nc")
    theta = wrfOutputFile.variables["T"][:] + 300 # Potential temperature
    # Pressure in hPa
    pressure = (wrfOutputFile.variables['P'][:] + wrfOutputFile.variables['PB'][:])
    qvapor = wrfOutputFile.variables['QVAPOR'][:]
    qvapor = numpy.ma.masked_where(qvapor <0.00002, qvapor)
    T0 = 273.15
    referencePressure = 100000.0  # [Pa]
    epsilon = 0.622  # Rd / Rv
    # Temperatures in Celsius
    temperature = theta* numpy.power((pressure / referencePressure), 0.2854) - T0
    vaporPressure = pressure * qvapor / (epsilon + qvapor)
    dewPointTemperature = 243.5 / ((17.67 / numpy.log(vaporPressure * 0.01 / 6.112)) - 1.) #In celsius
    dewPointTemperature = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(dewPointTemperature)
    # Now we have the pressure, temperature and dew point temperature in the whole domain
    # Select one vertical column , t =0 , x=30, y=30
    mySounding = sounding() # Create an empty sounding
    #Add fields
    mySounding.addField('pressure', pressure[0,:,30,30], "Pressure", "Pa")
    mySounding.addField('temperature', temperature[0,:,30,30], "Temperature", "C")
    mySounding.addField('dewPointTemperature', dewPointTemperature[0,:,30,30], "Dew Point Temperature", "C")


    from datetime import datetime
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import metpy.calc as mpcalc
    #from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
    from metpy.plots import add_metpy_logo, SkewT
    from metpy.units import units
    from siphon.simplewebservice.wyoming import WyomingUpperAir
    date = datetime(2017, 9, 10, 6)
    station = 'MFL'
    df = WyomingUpperAir.request_data(date, station)
    p = df['pressure'].values * units(df.units['pressure'])
    T = df['temperature'].values * units(df.units['temperature'])
    Td = df['dewpoint'].values * units(df.units['dewpoint'])
    u = df['u_wind'].values * units(df.units['u_wind'])
    v = df['v_wind'].values * units(df.units['v_wind'])
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
    #add_metpy_logo(fig, 110, 100)
    skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)
    # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
    # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
    skew.plot(p, T, 'r')
    skew.plot(p, Td, 'g')
    skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v)
    skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)
    skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)
    # Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot
    lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature = mpcalc.lcl(p[0], T[0], Td[0])
    skew.plot(lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black')
    # Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line
    prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC')
    skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)
    # Shade areas of CAPE and CIN
    #skew.shade_cin(p, T, prof)
    #skew.shade_cape(p, T, prof)
    # An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0
    # isotherm
    skew.ax.axvline(0, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
    # Add the relevant special lines
    # Show the plot

    # Brian Blaylock
    # July 6, 2015
    # Download, process, and Plot Sounding Data from University of Wyoming
    import urllib3
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    from skewt import SkewT
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    stn = ['52203','51777','51839','51828','51709','51644','51463'] #72572 is ID for SLC
    name = ['HM','RQ','MF','HT','KS','KQ','Urumqi'] #72572 is ID for SLC
    year= '2015'
    month = '04'
    day = '27'
    hour = '12' #either 12 or 00
    # 1) 
    # Wyoming URL to download Sounding from
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    for sta,na in zip(stn,name):
        url = 'http://weather.uwyo.edu/cgi-bin/sounding?region=naconf&TYPE=TEXT%3ALIST&YEAR='+year+'&MONTH='+month+'&FROM='+day+hour+'&TO='+day+hour+'&STNM='+sta
        response = http.request('GET', url)
    # 2)
    # Remove the html tags
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.data)
        data_text = soup.get_text()
    #text_file = open(stn+year+month+day+hour+'.txt', "w")
    #text_file.write("Purchase Amount: %s" % data_text)
    # 3)
    # Split the content by new line.
        splitted = data_text.split("\n",data_text.count("\n"))
    # 4)
    # Write this splitted text to a .txt document
        Sounding_filename = str(sta)+'.'+str(year)+str(month)+str(day)+str(hour)+'.txt'
        f = open(Sounding_filename,'w')
        for line in splitted[4:]:
    # 5)
        S = SkewT.Sounding(Sounding_filename)
    #S.soundingdata=T.soundingdata      # replace the sounding data in S with that from T
    And if you wish to plot more than one sounding on the same plot do this...
    S = SkewT.Sounding(filename=Sounding_filename)
    T = SkewT.Sounding(filename="72572.2015061212.txt")
    S. add_profile(color="b",bloc=1)


    ; skewt_7.ncl
    ; Concepts illustrated:
    ;   - Reading ds336.0 netCDF files
    ;   - Specifying desired station id(s) and extracting desired data
    ;   - Changing non-standard units associated with the time coordinate variable
    ;   - Adding an _FillValue attribute to a variable
    ;   - Looping over files, stations and times
    ;   - Drawing Skew-T plots 
    ;   - Creating simple ascii (text) files of each sounding
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"   
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"   
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"
      diri    = "./"                                       ; directory containing input file(s)
      fili    = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls Upperair_20150427*nc") ; all file names
      nfili   = dimsizes(fili)                             ; number of files to be used
      idkey   = (/51839/)                 ; desired station(s): (/ id1, id2,.../)
      nidkey  = dimsizes(idkey)
                                          ; user names for station(s), one per 'idkey'
      idName  = (/"Minfeng"/)             ; used in plots and text files
      txtFile = True                      ; Is a text file to be created? True=>>Yes, False==>No
      txtDir  = "./"                      ; directory for text files if txtFile=True
      pltType = "png"                     ; png, ps, eps, pdf, x11
      pltDir  = "./"                      ; directory for plots
    ;====================>                ; end of generic specifications
                                          ; skewT options
      skewtOpts                 = True
      ;skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True    ; default is False
      dataOpts           = True           ; options describing data and ploting
      dataOpts@HspdHdir  = True           ; wind speed and dir [else: u,v]
                                          ; text file header(s)
      varHead = [/"     P      HGT     T     TDEW    WSPD    WDIR  "/]
      untHead = [/"    mb       m      C       C      m/s          "/]
      do nf=0,nfili-1                            ; loop over each file
         f        = addfile(diri+fili(nf), "r")
         idnum   := f->wmoStaNum
         synTime := f->synTime
         synTime@units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:0.0" ; replace: "seconds since (1970-1-1 00:00:0.0)"
         ymdh    := cd_calendar(synTime, -3)
        do id=0,nidkey-1                         ; loop over each station
           ii     := ind(idnum.eq.idkey(id))     ; may be multiple times (eg,00,06,12,18)
           nii     = dimsizes(ii)                ; for each station
           ii0     = ii(0)                       ; convenience: use info associated with 1st
           staLat  = f->staLat(ii0)
           staLon  = f->staLon(ii0)
           staElev = f->staElev(ii0)
           staName = tostring(f->staName(ii0,:)) ; char staName(recNum, staNameLen)
          do i=0,nii-1                           ; loop over time(s) (eg, 00,06,12,18)
                                                 ; for current station
             if (.not.ismissing(ii(i))) then
                 iii    = ii(i)                  ; convenience
                 prMan  = f->prMan(iii,:)        ; 'Man' =" Mandatory levels
                 wdMan  = f->wdMan(iii,:)        ; (recNum, manLevel) ==> (:) ==> hPa 
                 wsMan  = f->wsMan(iii,:) 
             htMan  = f->htMan(iii,:)
                 tpMan  = f->tpMan(iii,:)
                 tdMan  = f->tdMan(iii,:)
             tpMan  = tpMan-273.15           ; skewT expects degC
             tpMan@units = "degC"
             tdMan  = tpMan-tdMan
             tdMan@units = "degC"
                 numSigW= f->numSigW(iii)        ; 'SigW' = Significant Wind levels
                 numSigW@_FillValue = 99999      ; _FillValue not on file
                 if (.not.ismissing(numSigW) .and. numSigW.gt.0) then
                     dataOpts@PlotWindH = True                ; plot wind barbs at height lvls
                     dataOpts@Height    = f->htSigW(iii,:)    ; height of wind reports!!!show the height
                     dataOpts@Hspd      = f->wsSigW(iii,:)    ; speed [or u component]
                     dataOpts@Hdir      = f->wdSigW(iii,:)    ; dir   [or v component]
                     dataOpts@PlotWindH = False      ; No pibal winds to plot
                 end if
                 pltName = "skewt."+idName(id)+"_"+idkey(id)+"."+ymdh(iii)  ; eg: skewt.Bermuda_78016.2013030612.png
             pltPath = pltDir+pltName
                 pltType@wkWidth  = 800     ; large
                 pltType@wkHeight = 800
             wks     = gsn_open_wks (pltType, pltPath)
                 skewtOpts@tiMainString    = idName(id)+": "+idkey(id)+":  "+ymdh(iii)
    ;---Draw skewT background
                 skewtOpts@DrawColLine       = True    ; draw background lines in color, (False for all black lines)
                 ;skewtOpts@DrawHeightScale  = True    ; default is False
                 skewtOpts@DrawFahrenheit    = False   ; True for deg F, False for deg C
                 ;skewtOpts@tiMainString      = "Sounding at "+snd_lat+","+snd_lon+": "+in_file
                 skewtOpts@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.0155
                 skewtOpts@vpHeightF         = 0.85    ; controls height of plot
                 skewtOpts@vpWidthF          = 0.85    ; controls width of plot
                 skewtOpts@vpXF              = 0.07    ; controls off-set from left
                 skewtOpts@vpYF              = 0.92    ; controls off-set from top
                 skewtOpts@ThermoInfo =False
                 ;skewtOpts@DrawStandardAtm   = False 
                 skewt_bkgd                  = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)
    ; Draw the skewT plot background with all the overlays
                 draw (skewt_bkgd)
    ; Draw the skew-T data on top of everything else
                 dataOpts = True
                 dataOpts@colTemperature  = "red"  ; temperature line color
                 dataOpts@colDewPt        = "blue" ; dewpoint line color
                 dataOpts@DrawWindBarbThk = 2.     ; wind barb thickness
                 dataOpts@Parcel          = 1      ; subscript corresponding to initial parcel
                 ;dataOpts@WspdWdir        = False  ; True = use wind speed and dir, False = use U & V
                 dataOpts@Wthin           = 0      ; 0 = draw wind barbs at all levels, 1 = draw every other, 2 = every 3rd, etc.
                 skewt_data = skewT_PlotData   (wks, skewt_bkgd, prMan,tpMan,tdMan,htMan \
                                        , wsMan,wdMan, dataOpts)
                 frame(wks)  ; advance frame
                 print("Created plot: "+pltName+"."+pltType)
             if (txtFile) then
                 varList = [/prMan, htMan, tpMan, tdMan, wsMan, wdMan/]
                 txtName = idName(id)+"_"+ymdh(iii)+".ManLevels.txt"    ; eg: Bermuda_2013030612.ManLevels.txt
             txtPath = txtDir+txtName
                 write_table(txtPath, "w", varHead, "%s")   ; "w" => create or overwrite
                 write_table(txtPath, "a", untHead, "%s")   ; "a" => append
                 write_table(txtPath, "a", varList, "%7.0f%7.0f%7.1f%7.1f%7.1f%7.0f")
             end if
             end if  ; .not.ismissing(ii(i))
          end do     ; i     (time)
        end do       ; id    (station id)
      end do         ; nf    (file)



    from __future__ import print_function, division
    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    from wrf import getvar, CoordPair, ll_to_xy
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns = names)
    ncfile = Dataset("wrfout_d01_2015-04-27_02:00:00")
    x_y = ll_to_xy(ncfile, 41.71,82.95)
    print (x_y)
    # Get the geopotential height (m) and pressure (hPa).
    z = getvar(ncfile, "z")
    zp= z[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure")
    pp= p[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    rh = getvar(ncfile, "rh")
    rhp= rh[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    td = getvar(ncfile, "td")
    tdp= td[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    tc = getvar(ncfile, "tc")
    tcp= tc[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    wspd = getvar(ncfile, "wspd_wdir",units='kt')[0]
    wdir = getvar(ncfile, "wspd_wdir",units='kt')[1]
    wspdp= wspd[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    wdirp= wdir[:,x_y[0],x_y[1]]
    df.to_csv('Resulta.txt',sep=' ',float_format='%.2f',header=True, index=False,na_rep='NaN')

    ; skewt_10.ncl
    ; Concepts illustrated:
    ;   - Read from WRF netCDF and extracting necessary variables
    ;   - Using 'wrf_user_ll_to_ij' get indices (subscripts) near specified location
    ;   - Using NCL's 'wind_component' to convert wind speed and direvtion to u,v
    ;   - Adjusting the fortran 1-based subscripts to NCL 0-based subscripts 
    ;   - Plotting a hodograph onto a skew-T plot
    ; Author: Joesph Grim
    ;         Project Scientist
    ;         Aviation Applications Program
    ;         Research Application Laboratory 
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"
    ;---Set parameters
     snd_lat =  39.33     ; latitude of model profile
     snd_lon =  89.42     ; longitude of model profile
     hodo_top_pres = 150. ; top of hodograph in hPa
     in_dir  = "/public/home/hysplit/work/WRF381/WRF-381/test/em_real/"
     in_file = "wrfout_d01_2015-04-30_00:00:00"  ; WRF output file
    ;---Read in WRF data
     in_path    = in_dir + in_file                   
     ncdf_in    = addfile(in_path+".nc","r")             ; add .nc extension      
     P_tot      = wrf_user_getvar(ncdf_in,"pressure",0)  ; model 3D pressure
     z_tot      = wrf_user_getvar(ncdf_in,"z",-1)        ; model 3D height
     uvmet      = wrf_user_getvar(ncdf_in,"uvmet",-1)    ; Earth-relative U and V winds on mass points
     U          = uvmet(0,0,:,:,:)                       ; Earth-relative U wind on mass points
     V          = uvmet(1,0,:,:,:)                       ; Earth-relative V wind on mass points
     ;wspd = wind_speed(U,V)
     wspd =sqrt(U^2+V^2)
     wdir = wind_direction(U,V,0)
     TC         = wrf_user_getvar(ncdf_in,"tc",-1)       ; model temperature in Celsius
     TD         = wrf_user_getvar(ncdf_in,"td",-1)       ; model dewpoint in Celsius
    ;---Determine the model i,j indices for the given lat/lon
     loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(ncdf_in,snd_lon,snd_lat,True)  ; model i,j indices for the given lat/lon
     locX = loc(0) - 1                           ; subtract 1, since WRF is base 1, but NCL is base 0
     locY = loc(1) - 1                           ; subtract 1, since WRF is base 1, but NCL is base 0
    ;---Begin to create plot
     PlotType = "png"
    ;PlotName = "skewT_hodograph"
     PlotName = "skewt"
     PlotType@wkWidth  = 800     ; large  
     PlotType@wkHeight = 800 
     wks = gsn_open_wks(PlotType,PlotName)                   ; open workstation
    ;---Draw skewT background
     skewtOpts          = True
     skewtOpts@DrawColLine       = True    ; draw background lines in color, (False for all black lines)
     skewtOpts@DrawFahrenheit    = False   ; True for deg F, False for deg C
     skewtOpts@tiMainString      = "Sounding at "+snd_lat+","+snd_lon+": "+in_file
     skewtOpts@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.0155
     skewtOpts@vpHeightF         = 0.85    ; controls height of plot
     skewtOpts@vpWidthF          = 0.85    ; controls width of plot
     skewtOpts@vpXF              = 0.07    ; controls off-set from left
     skewtOpts@vpYF              = 0.92    ; controls off-set from top
     skewt_bkgd                  = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)
    ; Draw the skewT plot background with all the overlays
     draw (skewt_bkgd)
    ; Draw the skew-T data on top of everything else
     dataOpts = True
     dataOpts@PlotWindH = True                ; plot wind barbs at height lvls
                     dataOpts@Height    = z_tot    ; height of wind reports
                     dataOpts@Hspd      = wspd    ; speed [or u component]
                     dataOpts@Hdir      = wdir    ; dir   [or v component]
     dataOpts@colTemperature  = "red"  ; temperature line color
     dataOpts@colDewPt        = "blue" ; dewpoint line color
     dataOpts@DrawWindBarbThk = 2.     ; wind barb thickness
     dataOpts@Parcel          = 1      ; subscript corresponding to initial parcel
     dataOpts@WspdWdir        = True  ; True = use wind speed and dir, False = use U & V
     dataOpts@Wthin           = 0      ; 0 = draw wind barbs at all levels, 1 = draw every other, 2 = every 3rd, etc.
     skewT_data = skewT_PlotData(wks, skewt_bkgd, P_tot(:,locY,locX), \
                                                   TC(0,:,locY,locX), \
                                                   TD(0,:,locY,locX), \
                                                z_tot(0,:,locY,locX), \
                                                      wspd(:,locY,locX), \
                                                      wdir(:,locY,locX), \
     frame(wks)  ; advance frame
     print("Created plot: "+PlotName+"."+PlotType)


    ; skewt_2.ncl
    ; Concepts illustrated:
    ;   - Drawing Skew-T plots
    ;   - Drawing a Skew-T plot with and without wind barbs
    ;   - Customizing the background of a Skew-T plot
    ; This file is loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
    ; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    ; This file still has to be loaded manually
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"
    ; --- Read Data; no winds; set to _FillValue------------;
      diri = "./"
      fili = "sounding.testdata22"
      nlvl = 36  
      ncol = 11
      TestData = asciiread (diri+fili , (/nlvl,ncol/), "float") 
      p    = TestData (:,0)
      z    = TestData (:,1)
      ;q    = TestData (:,4)
      tc   = TestData (:,2) + 2.    ; for demo purposes
      tdc  = TestData (:,3)
      wspd  = TestData (:,7)
      wdir  = TestData (:,6)
                                    ; create BOGUS winds
      ;wspd = new ( nlvl, "float", -999.)  ; wspd@_FillValue = -999.
      ;wdir = new ( nlvl, "float", -999.)  ; wdir@_FillValue = -999.
    ; create plot
      wks  = gsn_open_wks ("png", "skewt")  ; send graphics to PNG file
    ; --- Create background skew-T; plot sounding ---------------------
      skewtOpts                 = True
      skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True    ; default is False
      skewtOpts@tiMainString    = "Raob Data; No Winds" 
      dataOpts   = False        ; no options
    ;  dataOpts@PrintZ = False
      skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)
      skewt_data = skewT_PlotData   (wks, skewt_bkgd, p,tc,tdc,z \
                                        , wspd,wdir, dataOpts)
      draw (skewt_bkgd)
      draw (skewt_data)
    ; --- Create background skew-T and plot sounding + winds----------------
                                    ; Create winds for demo
      wspd = fspan (0., 150., nlvl) ; wind speed at each level
      wdir = fspan (0., 360., nlvl) ; wind direction
                                    ; Create a few "pibal" reports
      hght = (/ 1000., 3000., 7000., 25000. /)/3.208  ; hgt in M  
      hspd = (/   50.,   27.,  123.,    13. /) ;speed at each height
      hdir = (/   95.,  185.,  275.,   355. /) ;direction
      dataOpts           = True     ; options describing data and ploting
      dataOpts@PlotWindH = True     ; if available, plot wind barbs at height lvls
      dataOpts@HspdHdir  = True     ; wind speed and dir [else: u,v]
      dataOpts@Height    = hght     ; height of wind reports
      dataOpts@Hspd      = hspd     ; speed [or u component]
      dataOpts@Hdir      = hdir     ; dir   [or v component]
      skewtOpts@tiMainString = "Raob; [Wind Reports]" 
      skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True    ; default is False
      skewtOpts                 = True
      skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True    ; default is False
      skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)
      skewt_data = skewT_PlotData   (wks, skewt_bkgd, p,tc,tdc,z \
                                        , wspd,wdir, dataOpts)
      draw (skewt_bkgd)
      draw (skewt_data)
    ; --- Make the wind barbs thicker (NCL 6.4.0)
      skewtOpts@tiMainString   = "Raob; Thicker Wind Barbs"
      dataOpts@DrawWindBarbThk = 1.5  ; default value is 1.0 (may be fractional) 
      skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts)
      skewt_data = skewT_PlotData   (wks, skewt_bkgd, p,tc,tdc,z \
                                        , wspd,wdir, dataOpts)
      draw (skewt_bkgd)
      draw (skewt_data)



