古筝独奏“出水莲”,my guzheng playimg "lotus coming from water"
接天莲叶无穷碧, 映入荷花别样红 The emerald lotus leaves reach as far as where water and skies meet,
and lotus blossoms bathing in sunshine exhibit a distinctive dazzling pink.
美人泪,娇娇,盈盈,清清 beauty tears, delicated, lissom,limpid
一枝夏意,娇俏又明媚,a piece of summmer feeling, delicated beautiful, bright
怒放,微展,可娇美,可炫目 full blossom, half blossom, the beauty is tender, also glaring
住在翡翠梦船里,我的笑容璀璨了整个天空Lives in the emerald dreamy boat, my smile dazzling all the sky
裙摆依依,娇颜亭亭,我静世独立,成清雅风景 my hemlines flying, my beauty slimming standing, I live alone in the quiet world, become an elegant and limpid scene
依恋 beloved clinging
亭亭,娇羞都是我,是你,为你,我美丽 slim, timid, all you see is me, because of you, for you, I'm so beautiful
依偎 snuggled
花儿和叶儿,花儿和花儿、叶儿和叶儿的相望、私语,根相系,心相依,不孤独 there seems distance between our looking at each other, but our root lace and our heart are together, no lonely anymore
花容绝色,叶叶也风情尽展,自顾自的美丽 lotuses are great beauty, the lotus leaves also have their special charming
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