Qt 5.13
Qt 5.13出来了,官网下载地址
windows平台下载qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.13.0.exe,linux平台下载 qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.13.0.run
Qt 5.135.13支持的编译器以及平台
我们是win10系统,选择安装MSVC 2015
Operating System | Architecture | Compiler | Notes |
Windows 10 |
x86 and x86_64
MSVC 2017, MSVC 2015, MinGW7.3 | Tested on Windows 10 (1809) October 2018 Update |
Windows 8.1 |
x86 and x86_64
MSVC 2017, MSVC 2015, MinGW7.3 | |
Windows 7 |
x86 and x86_64
MSVC 2017, MSVC 2015, MinGW7.3 | MinGW-builds GCC 7.3.0 (x86) |
下载Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015简体中文版(社区版,针对个人免费)
记得勾选Visual C++
Qt 5.13
安装qt请注意,不能勾选vs2015 64位,要勾选2017 32位。不然无法编译程序。