To be nobody, nothing can hit you.
Get out of that wheel of suffering and happiness.
You decide.
To be nobody, nothing can hit you. Get out of that wheel ...
You have nothing to lose, then why not try harder? Carrie
【每日一句】 Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难...
尼克•霍恩比语录 There's nothing you can't fuck up if you try har...
When I know the phrase "nothing for nothing" from a book,...
nothing is just nothing~
try try? try! 也是好晕 如这样的情况 报错提示 需要加上 try, try是swift 2...
try: try与do-catch语句一起使用,并对错误进行详细处理。 try? try?用在错误无关紧要的时候,...
本文标题:Try to be nothing