4.OpenStreetMap Data Model

4.OpenStreetMap Data Model

作者: 徐凯_xp | 来源:发表于2020-02-08 01:28 被阅读0次


OpenStreetMap数据以OSM XML文件(.osm文件)的形式出现。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm version="0.6" generator="CGImap 0.0.2">
 <bounds minlat="54.0889580" minlon="12.2487570" maxlat="54.0913900" maxlon="12.2524800"/>
 <node id="298884269" lat="54.0901746" lon="12.2482632" user="SvenHRO" uid="46882" visible="true" version="1" changeset="676636" timestamp="2008-09-21T21:37:45Z"/>
 <node id="261728686" lat="54.0906309" lon="12.2441924" user="PikoWinter" uid="36744" visible="true" version="1" changeset="323878" timestamp="2008-05-03T13:39:23Z"/>
 <node id="1831881213" version="1" changeset="12370172" lat="54.0900666" lon="12.2539381" user="lafkor" uid="75625" visible="true" timestamp="2012-07-20T09:43:19Z">
  <tag k="name" v="Neu Broderstorf"/>
  <tag k="traffic_sign" v="city_limit"/>
 <node id="298884272" lat="54.0901447" lon="12.2516513" user="SvenHRO" uid="46882" visible="true" version="1" changeset="676636" timestamp="2008-09-21T21:37:45Z"/>
 <way id="26659127" user="Masch" uid="55988" visible="true" version="5" changeset="4142606" timestamp="2010-03-16T11:47:08Z">
  <nd ref="292403538"/>
  <nd ref="298884289"/>
  <nd ref="261728686"/>
  <tag k="highway" v="unclassified"/>
  <tag k="name" v="Pastower Straße"/>
 <relation id="56688" user="kmvar" uid="56190" visible="true" version="28" changeset="6947637" timestamp="2011-01-12T14:23:49Z">
  <member type="node" ref="294942404" role=""/>
  <member type="node" ref="364933006" role=""/>
  <member type="way" ref="4579143" role=""/>
  <member type="node" ref="249673494" role=""/>
  <tag k="name" v="Küstenbus Linie 123"/>
  <tag k="network" v="VVW"/>
  <tag k="operator" v="Regionalverkehr Küste"/>
  <tag k="ref" v="123"/>
  <tag k="route" v="bus"/>
  <tag k="type" v="route"/>







关系是记录其他数据元素之间关系的数据结构。来自OpenStreetMap wiki的示例包括:

  • 一种路线关系,列出形成主要公路、自行车道或公共汽车路线的方式。

  • 描述有孔区域的多多边形,该区域的外边界和内边界由两种方式给出。





  • cmake


  • instructions


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  • thirdparty




  • OSM数据被读入程序。
  • 创建一个RouteModel对象,将OSM数据存储在可用的数据结构中。
  • RoutePlanner对象是使用RouteModel创建的。此计划器最终将对模型数据执行A*搜索,并将搜索结果存储在RouteModel中。
  • RouteModel数据是使用IO2D库呈现的。

model.h and model.cpp



Model当前代码中存在的类并不包含执行A *搜索所需的所有数据或方法,因此我们将用一个RouteModel类扩展该类。

class RouteModel : public Model {

    //RouteModel 的 Node 也是继承的
    class Node : public Model::Node {
        // Add public Node variables and methods here.

            std::cout<<"RouteModel Init"<<"\n";
        //因为有init 一个pointer parent_model, 因此一定要写成 initial list 的方式
        Node(int idx, RouteModel * search_model, Model::Node node) : Model::Node(node), parent_model(search_model), index(idx) {
            std::cout<<"RouteModel Init"<<"\n";

        // Add private Node variables and methods here.
        int index;
        RouteModel * parent_model = nullptr;


    // Add public RouteModel variables and methods here.
    RouteModel(const std::vector<std::byte> &xml);

    //这个 path 存结果
    std::vector<Node> path; // This variable will eventually store the path that is found by the A* search.

    //Task2:Add a public "getter" method SNodes. This method should return a reference to the vector of Nodes stored as m_Nodes.
    std::vector<Node>& SNodes(){
        return m_Nodes;

    // Add private RouteModel variables and methods here.

    //Taks1:Add a private vector of Node objects named m_Nodes. This will store all of the nodes from the Open Street Map data.
    //m_Nodes 存所有open street map 的 data, 之后给Astar 用
    std::vector<Node> m_Nodes;

Node 类

Model::Node当前代码中存在的类不包含执行A *搜索所需的所有数据。为了执行搜索,最理想的是每个节点至少包含以下信息:

  • 节点的g值。
  • 节点的h值。
  • 指示是否已访问该节点的布尔值。
  • 指向节点父节点的指针。
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "model.h"
#include <iostream>
//因為Model 裡面只有一個Node 的資訊, 要能做A*, 你需要所有的Node,
//因此我們繼承Model 來造一個RouteModel 準備收集所有要用的Node 給A*

In route_model.h:

Add a private vector of Node objects named m_Nodes. This will store all of the nodes from the Open Street Map data.
Add a public "getter" method SNodes. This method should return a reference to the vector of Nodes stored as m_Nodes.

class RouteModel : public Model {


    //RouteModel 的 Node 也是繼承來的
    class Node : public Model::Node {
        The Node Class
        The Model::Node class that exists in the current code doesn't contain all the data that would be needed to perfom an A* search.
        In order to perform a search, it would be ideal for each node to contain at least the following information:

            1.The g-value for the node.
            2.The h-value for the node.
            3.A boolean to indicate if the node has been visited.
            4.A pointer to the node's parent.

        In this exercise, you will fill out the RouteModel::Node class in route_model.h, which will extend the Model::Node class
        so that the data above, along with a few other useful variables, can be included with each node.
        Note that the RouteModel::Node class already has the following private variables:

            1.An int index.
            2.A pointer to a RouteModel object named parent_model. This variable is important,
                as it allows each node to access data stored in the parent model that the node belongs to.

        To complete this exercise:
        Add the following public variables to the RouteModel::Node class:
            1.A Node pointer parent, which is initialized to a nullptr.
            2.A float h_value, which is initialized to the maximum possible: std::numeric_limits<float>::max().
            3.A float g_value, which is initialized to 0.0.
            4.A bool visited, which is initialized to false.
            5.A vector of Node pointers named neighbors.

        Pass testing:
            [==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test case.
            [----------] Global test environment set-up.
            [----------] 2 tests from RouteModelTest
            [ RUN      ] RouteModelTest.RouteModelData
            [       OK ] RouteModelTest.RouteModelData (67 ms)
            [ RUN      ] RouteModelTest.RouteModelNode
            RouteModel Init
            RouteModel Init
            [       OK ] RouteModelTest.RouteModelNode (61 ms)
            [----------] 2 tests from RouteModelTest (128 ms total)

            [----------] Global test environment tear-down
            [==========] 2 tests from 1 test case ran. (128 ms total)
            [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.


        Node * parent = nullptr;
        float h_value = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
        float g_value = 0.0;
        bool visited = false;
        std::vector<Node*> neighbors;

        // Add public Node variables and methods here.
            std::cout<<"RouteModel Init"<<"\n";
        //因為有init 一個pointer parent_model, 因此一定要寫成 initial list 的方式
        Node(int idx, RouteModel * search_model, Model::Node node) : Model::Node(node), parent_model(search_model), index(idx) {
            std::cout<<"RouteModel Init"<<"\n";

        // Add private Node variables and methods here.

        //An int index.
        int index;
        //A pointer to a RouteModel object named parent_model. This variable is important,
        //as it allows each node to access data stored in the parent model that the node belongs to.
        RouteModel * parent_model = nullptr;


    // Add public RouteModel variables and methods here.
    RouteModel(const std::vector<std::byte> &xml);

    //這個 path 最後會存著結果
    std::vector<Node> path; // This variable will eventually store the path that is found by the A* search.

    //Task2:Add a public "getter" method SNodes. This method should return a reference to the vector of Nodes stored as m_Nodes.
    std::vector<Node>& SNodes(){
        return m_Nodes;

    // Add private RouteModel variables and methods here.

    //Taks1:Add a private vector of Node objects named m_Nodes. This will store all of the nodes from the Open Street Map data.
    //這個m_Nodes 會拿來存所有open street map 的 data, 之後給Astar 用
    std::vector<Node> m_Nodes;

this 指针


// The Car class
class Car {
    // Method to print data.
    void PrintCarData() {
        cout << "The distance that the " << color << " car " << number << " has traveled is: " << distance << "\n";

    // Method to increment the distance travelled.
    void IncrementDistance() {

    // Class/object attributes
    string color;
    int distance = 0;
    int number;

可以通过使用this指向当前类实例的指针在C ++中使其明确。使用this有时会有助于增加透明度,以更加复杂的代码:

// The Car class
class Car {
    // Method to print data.
    void PrintCarData() {
        cout << "The distance that the " << this->color << " car " << this->number << " has traveled is: " << this->distance << "\n";

    // Method to increment the distance travelled.
    void IncrementDistance() {

    // Class/object attributes
    string color;
    int distance = 0;
    int number;

当RouteModel调用构造函数,它调用Model与开放街道地图数据的构造。发生这种情况时,Model:Node将创建对象的集合。但是,为了执行A *搜索,将需要使用RouteModel::Node对象。

  • 在RouteModel构造函数中route_model.cpp,编写一个带计数器的for循环,以循环遍历由Model::Node给出的s 的向量this->Nodes()。
  • 对于Model循环中的每个节点,使用RouteModel::Node构造函数创建一个新节点,并将新节点推到的后面m_Nodes。
  • 使用RouteModel::Node接受三个参数的构造函数:Node(int idx, RouteModel * search_model, Model::Node node)



      本文标题:4.OpenStreetMap Data Model
