

作者: gracegxj | 来源:发表于2018-12-20 21:21 被阅读0次

听: Oa

学: Oa / UNIT01

PART01 warm up by the letters song & hello song;

PART02 introduce the bunny & the bear.

PART03 游戏:




M: what can u see in the picture?

B: I can see a bear and sun.

M: Right! we also saw a rabbit toy! the sun rise...

B: the bear wake up

M:yes, the bear waked up. who is coming?

B: Bird

M: what did the Bird bring?

B: sock

M: Yes, (give me five) the bird bring the socks to the bear and said: bear, do u want to go out with me? The bear said: yes I do.

the bear walks and walks, when he meet the sun .....

B: Hello, Sunny

M: hello sun, (piont to the next picture)

B: hello flower

M:Hello bear

B:Hello giraffe

M: er..... the giraffe is too tall, he can not hear the bear, how did bear do? the bear got a latter and climbed the latter and said: Hello giraffe, right! do u have a latter, Debbie?

B: Yes

M: Can u show me where is your latter?

B: Window

M:outside the window, right!

B: Yes outside the window.

M: the bear kept walking and he saw fishes, right?

B: he say hello to the fish!

M: Yes, but the fishes Can not hear the bear and then the bear put the head into the water and said: Hello...

B: the fishes don't say hello to bear.


B:the bear eat the fish...

M: RIGHT. HIGH FIVE! u still remember the bear likes to eat fish!

Freetalk in the dinner

M:Debbie Let's go to have dinner. Can u help me set the table.

B:yes, mommy Can I watch my little pony!

M: yes, after finishing ur dinner, u Can watch the cartoon. pls help me put the bowls on the table.

B: No, now, u er er(做喂的动作)......一边watch, 一边吃

M: U want mommy to feed u, right? No, u should eat by yourself! and practice how to use the chopsticks. u need more practice, remember(练习像大人一样用筷子是她最近的乐趣)。


M: Eat some fish and vegetables

B: just one, and watch the cartoon?(对动画片念念不忘)

M: no,eat out the food in the bowl

B: (开始不耐烦了)...... just one,just one

M: Just one bite, how about we have a chopsticks racing......, one piece, two pieces


M:just like this(正好今天买了土司,然后一片片数给她看)... one piece of bread, two pieces of bread...

B: one piece of bread, two pieces of bread...(一起念到九)

mommy, look Sandwich!(自己拿了两片夹一起吃) we have breakfast.

M:no, we have dinner now,U got two pieces of bread and make a Sandwich! Debbie, when do we have breakfast?

D: we have breakfast in the morning and have lunch at noon, have dinner in the evening.

B: in the evening



还没听完西妈讲座前其实已经带娃学了unit1-2-3,因为想了解具体玩下来到底需要多久,今天又重新从unit1开始打卡是因为对之前的玩的不满意(其实有担心又从头开始学 娃有意见,结果还好 谢谢娃体谅笨笨的娘亲), 其实这次我自己虽然又重头备过一次课,但还是显得手忙脚乱,自己总结问题如下:

1.时间安排不够好, 和家人事先沟通不够细,中间总被哥哥和外公打断


3. 表扬自己的地方:玩游戏的时候够自嗨,哇哈哈


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