怎样才不会在说Task 1,2时一脸懵?

怎样才不会在说Task 1,2时一脸懵?

作者: 雅思托福姐 | 来源:发表于2016-04-25 11:15 被阅读43次






首先,咱们就从Task1,2的分类开始说起,最常见的分类就是将题目分为PPOE,即为people, place, object, event, 每个种类都有不同的构思策略,都要包含不同的信息点。咱们逐个分析。



人物类的题目在提前准备时,可以准备三个常见素材,一个长辈,一个名人,一个同龄朋友。这样基本上能涵盖80%的题目,在题目中,应该包括这几个信息,第一,who这人是谁?第二,what does he/she do? 职业信息;第三,what is he/she like?她/他是个什么样的人?第四:example具体事例。


Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, and explain why you like it.


她/他是谁:I would like to talk about Alicia Florrick in the American TV play ‘the good wife’;

然后是她的职业:she is a lawyer who had been a housewife for 13years.

接下来,她是个什么样的人:She was obliged to go back to office because of his husband. At first, she was overlooked and teased by others but later she gradually gained respect and promotion. i like her because she was a tough woman.

开始举例:in one episode, she was threatened by a judge, but she was not scared, Instead, she used the law to protect herself and her client. What’s more, she helped her client win the case.




我平常都建议童鞋们在准备地点题时准备几个素材:一个建筑物,一个自然风光,一个城市。思路应该是这样:第一,这个地点或建筑物名称,第二,地理位置,第三,这个地点有什么特点,第四,这个地方给你什么感觉,详细说明。真题范例:Describe an area in your city that you like the most. Explain why you like this area the most.


1.地点名称:the are that i like the most in the city is Sanlitun.

2. 地理位置:it is located in the eastern part of Beijing, in the third ring road.

3. 地理特点:the area is famous for the bars and western restaurant. Because it is also close to the embassy of western countries, a lot of foreigners and expats spend their time there. Also because it is close to the CBD area, it is also believed to be the most fashionable and the most international place in BJ.

4. 给你什么感觉: whenever i get to the area, i feel like walking into an edging place. the architecture, the restaurants and the chic-wearing people, sometimes some cool activity being held there. All these things attract people from both China and abroad to stay there.




物品类的一定要描述这个物品的几大要素,比如,形状,外观,材质,功能等。这几个点每个说一到两句,小心自己会说多哦~形状一定要说它到底是长方形rectangular,还是立方体cube, 还是球体sphere。外观就要描述它的颜色,花纹之类的信息,材质就要描述到底是钢的steel,木头的wooden,还是塑料的 plastic, 还是皮革的leather.最后说一下功能,就一定要用两个高分句型,一个是sth enables sb to do sth, 另一个是sth allow sb to do sth. 有了这两个句型中的任何一个都会让你的整体答案质量提高。再来个真题示范:Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

物品名称:the tool that i rely on very often is of course my cellphone.

物品的外观:my cellphone is a regular iPhone. Rosegold/pink color with a steel back, it’s very simple. unlike other smartphone with three function key, the iPhone only get one circular button on the bottom of the phone.

物品的作用:just like others, i have to use my cell phone almost everyday. the phones now are very much like portable computer. you can do a lot of things on the phone, watch videos, send emails, and even make purchase. it enables me to have a more efficient life.



这类的话题更好说了,你们只需要涵盖一些基本的信息,不知不觉45秒就能说到了。事件类的答案就象你在构思一个新闻报道,一定要有五个W一个H:what ,when, where, who, why, how.

每次在说事件的,不慌不忙的把这几个信息摆出来,答案就立刻非常有逻辑。再来个真题案例:Describe a special experience that has changed you in life. Give reasons why it changed you with examples/details.

1. 事件名称what:the experience that changed my life and means a lot to me is the English competition i attended during college.

2. when where, who这几个信息可以在一个句子中说出来,也可以分为两到三个句子,千万别一个信息一个句子,那样会显得你的造句能力接近3岁小孩):12 years ago, when i was in the first year of college, i attended a English speaking competition. There were some other student attending the contest. i was really nervous at that time.

3. how, why: the judges asked me questions in front of the cameras and hundreds of audience, i answered it with a shaking voice,but it was a good experience for me. Once i have the experience of speaking in front of hundreds of people, i got better the next time. It changed my life because i got known after the contest, and i got more opportunities to attend bigger contest. By the end of college time, i had been in the national contests twice and got awards. i even got my first job offer as an interpreter because of this.







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      本文标题:怎样才不会在说Task 1,2时一脸懵?
