Somerville School’s Market Day

Somerville School’s Market Day

作者: Harry哈利 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 17:46 被阅读0次

    The Market Begins!

    On the 31st of October kids from Somerville Intermediate were buzzing and couldn’t wait for the official Syndicate E Market Day. The ventures have been working hard over the last few months and preparing for this exciting day. On the morning of the first day of November, the ventures came to school early in the morning and started setting up for the day. Gazebos, umbrellas and trestle tables all rose from the ground. The school’s generator got to work as all of the power was turned on. The canteen was ready to feed some hungry kids and finally, the market was ready. As soon as the doors opened the kids were swarming inside like a swat team busting through a door. Some ventures had a hard start, while others were stacking up. Today was going to be a massive day, selling wise and money wise!



    As for some, sales were going well and for others, sales were going great! Customers, salesman and saleswoman were all having a wonderful time! The canteen was still stocked and people were eating high-quality food, buying high-quality products and people were leaving with big smiles on their faces. High levels of concentration were being displayed and Syndicate E were exhausted and needed a break. The morning tea came the market was trashed. Tired students had their small rest and got back to work, tidying their stalls and preparing for the next and final round.

    Final Block


    By now, all the ventures have had a taste of life as a salesman. They now know how the customers will react when they say certain things (hint, hint, “Half price sale!) and adapting to quick hands as they needed to handle money at lightning speeds! But still for some teams, sales were not looking the slightest bit good, but they still kept their heads up and a positive attitude while showing products in the hopes of getting new customers.

    Stocks were low the atmosphere was dim and the end of the market was near. We asked the fellow teams some questions reflecting their progress up to the day and their opinion of the day.

    One of the most successful groups in the market was one that was very venturesome and sold delicious french fries, we asked Jordan Cox of ----- some questions.

    “What were some of the challenging aspects of the process up to the market day?”

    “Getting an idea. Producing the products. Those two things were probably what set our group back at the start, but then we started to roll. But yeah, after that our group was pretty smooth,”

    Though some teams would say otherwise, this man was very confident and humble. We asked him…

    “What did you find that was interesting or unexpected about your group?”

    “Well, as I said, were a bit slow at the beginning and so I thought we wouldn’t be able to catch up to the groups making mass production and stock, cause we were making chips! You have to make them there! At one point I thought we were going to lose. But surprisingly we were able to come up with ideas quickly under pressure. Nervous about the result, but pulled through.”

    So there you go, one man’s opinion on how the day went. Now onto the teachers. We ask Anne Hewlett of Room 21 about how she thought it would turn out.

    “What did you find that was interesting or unexpected about your group?”

    “Well, as I said, were a bit slow at the beginning and so I thought we wouldn’t be able to catch up to the groups making mass production and stock, cause we were making chips! You have to make them there! At one point I thought we were going to lose. But surprisingly we were able to come up with ideas quickly under pressure. Nervous about the result, but pulled through.”

    So there you go, one man’s opinion on how the day went. Now onto the customers. We ask Benny Liang of Room 31 about how he thought it would turn out.

    “What was your favourite product?”

    “Well, the computer stands were really great and the canteen food was also a good thing,”

    With two very good interviews, we head back into the market and end the day. The last of the unwanted products were either taken, given for free to the smart cookies who thought of staying behind, or dumped into the trash, never to be seen again. But what was to be seen again was the smiles after the market. Everyone was extremely satisfied with their performance and their teamwork. Though some points could be improved on, the first market of this syndicate would be a very successful one.


    10月31日,来自Somerville Intermediate的孩子们嗡嗡作响,迫不及待地等待官方的辛迪加E市场日。在过去的几个月里,这些企业一直在努力工作,为这一激动人心的日子做准备。在11月的第一天早晨,这些企业一大早就来到学校并开始安排一天。凉亭,雨伞和栈桥都从地面升起。所有的电源都打开了,学校的发电机开始工作了。食堂已准备好为一些饥饿的孩子提供食物,最后,市场已经准备就绪。门打开后,孩子们就像一个穿过门的特警团队一样蜂拥而入。一些企业有一个艰难的开端,而其他企业正在堆积。今天将是一个巨大的一天,明智和金钱明智!














    所以,你去了,一个人对如何过去的看法。现在上了老师。我们问21号房间的安妮·休利特(Anne Hewlett)她是怎么想的。



    所以,你去了,一个人对如何过去的看法。现在进入客户。我们向31号房间的Benny Liang询问他认为结果如何。






          本文标题:Somerville School’s Market Day
