explain how baseball is played

explain how baseball is played

作者: llclare | 来源:发表于2017-02-11 22:23 被阅读0次

There are two teams alternating between offense and defense. Each Each tries to score more than the other. You score a run by completing one circuit of all bases. The batter tries to hit a 3 inches in diameter ball flying past him. The pitcher stand at the center of the diamond and his mission is throwing the baseball towards the home base at the catcher. Each team has 9 players in a binding order which all of them should stick to.

A play begins when the batter waiting  to hit a pitch from a pitcher.  Until the batter hit the ball into the field of the play, the batter then turns to a runner. A batter gets a hit when he reaches a base without getting out or forcing out with other runners together. He runs from the home base and there are three more bases for him to run and eventually back to home. He scores when he makes it home before there are three outs in an inning. A batter who hit a home run will be safety back home without worrying about stealing bases or getting out.

A batter who misses three legitimate pitches, or fails to swing at three judged hittable by the umpire, is out on strikes. But if the pitcher throws four pitches outside the strike zone, the batter obtains a base on balls, and gets a walk to first base. A strike is also called when the batter swings at a pitch whether it is deemed to be in the strike zone or not. A run is scored every time a batter becomes a runner and crosses home plate after touching each base in the prescribed order. When the fielding team gets their opponents' three batters (or runners) out, the teams swap roles.

If the score is level after nine innings, play continues into extra innings until one team has scored more than the other in an equal number of turns at bat.



      本文标题:explain how baseball is played
