

作者: 离歌笑_3c36 | 来源:发表于2020-06-20 19:58 被阅读0次


    法译林  今天

    “ 每天一点点,说不定哪天你就变成大神了呢。”

    Appeals court rejects AFL-CIO lawsuit over lack of COVID-19 labor protections


    Source: The Hills



    A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected the AFL-CIO's emergency lawsuit against the Trump administration for failing to enact stronger labor protections amid the coronavirus crisis.




    A (1)three-judge panel on (2)the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a two-page order saying that the (3)Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has the authority to decide whether to issue new rules during (4)the pandemic.

    (1)three-judge panel: 三名法官组成的小组

    (2)the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeal: 华盛顿巡回上诉法庭

    (3)Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):


    (4)the pandemic: 此处指新冠肺炎疫情

    "(5)Inlight of the (6)unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the regulatory tools that the OSHA has (7)at its disposal to ensure that employers are maintaining hazard-free work environments ... the OSHA (8)reasonably determined that an (9)ETS[emergency temporary standard] is not necessary at this time," the panel said in its order.

    (5)In light of: 按照、根据

    (6): unprecedented:a.无先例的;新颖的;新奇的

    (7)at its disposal: 供其使用,任其自行处理


    (9)ETS [emergency temporary standard]: 紧急临时标准

    A spokeswoman for the AFL-CIO did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

    The labor group (10)filed an emergency petition with the D.C. Circuit less than a month ago, (11)accusing OSHA of ignoring calls for urgently needed labor rules to protect workers (12)vulnerable to the corona-virus.

    (10)filed an emergency petition:提交紧急申请

    (11)accuse of: 控告某人

    常用被动用法: be accused of 被……控告

    (12)vulnerable to:易受…的侵害

    "COVID-19's(13)toll in (14)mortality and morbidity among workers and the general public has exceeded the(15)expectations of many (16)prognosticators,"lawyers for the AFL-CIO wrote in their (17)petition.

    (13)toll: 伤亡人数

    (14)mortality and morbidity:死亡和患病

    (15)expectations: c.n.

    (16)prognosticators: 预言者、占卜者

    (17)petition: c.n 此处指他们共同的一份请愿书,所以不用复数

    "Yet in (18)a stunning act of agency nonfeasance (19)in the midst of aworkplace health emergency of a (20)magnitude not seen in this country for over a century (if ever), OSHA has (21)neither responded directly to, (21)nor taken formal action on, either of the two (22)pending ETS petitions,(21)nor has it (23)shown any inclination to adopt mandatory, (24)legally-enforceable,COVID-s19-specific rules to protect workers."

    (18)a stunning act of agency nonfeasance:令人震惊的行政机关不作为

    (19)in the midst of:在...中间; 正当...的时候


    (21)neither…nor…nor: 注意倒装用法


    (23)shown any inclination to:显示出任何……的倾向


    But the lawsuit faced an (25)uphill battle considering the amount of (26)deference that the courts(27)grant to federal agencies.

    (25)uphill battle:艰苦卓绝的斗争


    (27)grant to:同意给予,准予

    "We are very disappointed that three judges did not (28)deem the lives of America's workers worthy of (29)holding an argument or (30)issuing a full opinion,"AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka said in a statement responding to the decision.


    (29)holding an argument:举行一场辩论

    (30)issuing a full opinion:发表充分意见

    "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's (31)post-it length response to our petition (32)acknowledges the 'unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic but repeats the (33)false claim by Big Business that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration already has done what is needed to protect workers,"he added.

    (31)post-it length:像便利贴一样长的,引申为简短的


    (33)false claim:虚假的陈述;虚假的请求

    Loren Sweatt, (34)the principal deputy assistant secretary for OSHA, and Solicitor of Labor Kate O'Scannlain (35)applauded the decision.

    (34)the principal deputy assistant secretary for:首席副助理秘书

    (35)applauded the decision:同意该决定

    “We(36)are pleased with the decision from the D.C. Circuit, which agreed that OSHA reasonably determined that its (37)existing statutory and regulatory tools are protecting America's workers and that an emergency temporary standard is not necessary at this time," they said in a (38)statement. "OSHA will continue to(39)enforce the law and offer guidance to employers and employees to keep America's workplaces safe.”

    (36)are pleased with the decision: 对决定感到满意

    (37)existing statutory and regulatory tools:现有的法定和监管工具

    (38) statement:  n. 陈述, 声明

    (39)enforce the law: 执法;执行法律

    The AFL-CIO and a coalition of labor unions had urged (40)Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia in March to enact stronger rules for protecting workers and to require employers to report to the agency when their workers (41)tested positive for the coronavirus.

    (40)Labor Secretary:劳工部长

    (41)tested positive for the coronavirus:冠状病毒检测呈阳性

    Scalia responded in a letter saying that his agency had issued strong guidelines toprotect workers and that the labor groups' proposal would unnecessarily "(42)burden employers and overwhelm OSHA with information."

    (42)burden…overwhelm…with: 给……增加负担......使……不堪重负......




