Module 1
1. 城市词汇
The theater district is very popular with tourists. 剧院区是很受游客欢迎。
The Back Bay is a beautiful residential area but quite expensive. 后湾是一个美丽的住宅区,但相当昂贵。
It's a historic city with both traditional and modern architecture. 这是一个有着传统与现代建筑的历史城市。
It's a historic city with a mix of architecture. 这是一个拥有混合建筑的历史城市。
It's a very livable city. There's great public transportation and many parks. 这是一个非常宜居的城市。有很棒的公共交通和许多公园。
Crime, pollution and the weather are important to a city's quality of life. 犯罪,污染和天气对一个城市的生活品质来说是很重要的。
The city is known for its extreme winters. 这个城市以极端的冬天而著名。
Quality of life depends on things like crime.生活质量取决于像犯罪等的事情。
The theater district is where the symphony is.剧院区是交响乐所在的地方
2. 复习:冠词
不定冠词 a 和 an
在非特定的单数名词或位于此类名词前的形容词前使用 a 和 an。此类冠词的含义为“一”。此外,在辨别某事物时使用 a 和 an。
It's a district of the city. 这是城市的一个区。
We work in an office in the financial district. 我们在金融区的办公室工作。
It's a beautiful residential area. 这是一个美丽的住宅区。
We had an awful winter. 这个冬天很糟糕。
定冠词 the
在特定的名词或位于此类名词前的形容词前使用 the。用 the 表示独特的地方和已命名的事物,如 the Red Cross。
The symphony is located downtown.交响乐位于市中心。
I really appreciate the traditional and modern architecture. 我非常欣赏传统和现代的建筑。
The Back Bay is a beautiful residential area. 后湾是一个美丽的住宅区。
用 a 和 an 来引入首次被提及的名词。随后使用 the。
We visited a wonderful museum on the weekend. The museum is famous for its historical paintings. Some people say the museum is one of the best in the country. 周末我们参观了一个非常好的博物馆。这个博物馆以它的历史画出名。有些人说这个博物馆是这个国家最好的博物馆之一。
3. 城市信息
A: So what is Barcelona like? 那么巴塞罗那是什么样的呢?
B: It's an incredible city. 它是一个令人难以置信的城市。
A: What are the best areas for renting apartments? 租公寓最好的地区是哪里?
What are the best residential areas for renting? 最好的出租用住宅地区是哪里?
B: You should look in the north, where it's cheaper. 你应该看一下北面,那里便宜些。
A: Where is the office located? 办公室位于哪里?
B: It's right downtown in the financial district. 它正好在市中心的金融区。
It's located downtown in the financial district. 它位于市中心的金融区。
A: There are museums and a symphony. 有博物馆和交响乐。
B: Sounds like there's a very good quality of life. 听起来好像生活质量非常好。
A: You can easily get by without a car. 没有车你可以轻松出行。
B: I'm so relieved to hear that. 听到那个消息我松了一口气。
I'm so relieved to hear you can get by without a car. 我很高兴听到你可以不用汽车。
A: Housing is so expensive you'll need a roommate. 房屋这么贵你需要一个室友。
B: That sounds reasonable. I'm open to anything. 那听起来很合理。我接受任何建议。
Module 2 找到路
1. 位置
The downtown area of the city is on the other side of the river. 城市的市中心区域在河的另一边。
Downtown is on the other side of the river. 市中心在河的另一边。
Our office is diagonally across from the park. 我们的办公室在公园的斜对面。
The subway stop is on the corner of Second and Oak Street. 地铁站在第二街和橡树街的交叉口。
The subway is on the corner of First and Oak. 地铁在第一和橡树的交叉口。
The building is facing the park. 这个建筑面向公园。
Your hotel is between a restaurant and a theater. 你的酒店在一个饭店和剧院之间。
Your hotel is between a bar and a theater. 你的酒店在一间酒吧和剧院之间。
2. 看地图
记住四个指南针方向是north (N), south (S), east (E) 和 west (W)。这四个单词在给出位置和指路时是常用的。
The airport is on the north side of the city. 飞机场在城市的北侧。
The park is south of Oak Street. 公园在橡树街的南侧。
Go west on Second Avenue for three blocks. 在第二大道向西走三个街区。
Do I go east or west on Main Street? 我在主街上向东走还是向西走?
3. 方向
A: Can you tell me how to get to the Boston Hotel?你能告诉我怎么去波士顿酒店吗?
B: Do you know the address?你知道地址吗?
A: I'm trying to get to Main Avenue and Ninth Street. 我正试着去主道和第九街。
B: No problem. I can direct you.没问题。我可以给你指路。
A: Take the Blue Line to Pine. Then walk four blocks east. 乘坐蓝线到Pine。然后向东走四个街区。
Get off at Ninth Street. 在第九街下车。
B: OK. Blue Line to Pine. Four blocks east. 好的。蓝线到Pine。向东四个街区。
Go downstairs and take the Red Line. 下楼乘坐红线。
A: So, Red Line to Ninth, north on Ninth to Main? 那么,红线到第九街,在第九街上向北到主街吗?
B: No, south on Ninth.不,在第九街上向南。
Was it south or north to Main Street? 到主街向南还是向北啊?
Walk south on Ninth to Main Street. 在第九街向南走直到主道。
Module 3 度过在办公室的第一天
1. 办公室的第一天
如果你是一名刚到办公室的新员工,或者正在帮助一个新来的, 这是一些有用的表达方式。
A: Is there anything I can help you with? You look a bit lost. 有什么可以帮你吗?你看起来有点迷路了。
B: This is my first day in the office. I am a little lost. 这是我来办公室的第一天。我有点迷路了。
My manager mentioned we'd be getting a new team member. 我的经理说起过我们会有一位新的团队成员。
My manager mentioned that you'd be coming.我的经理说起你会来的。
I had some trouble getting into the building. They didn't have my name at security. 我进大楼的时候有点麻烦。保安那里没有我的名字。
A: How would you feel about a quick tour of the office? 想要快速参观一个我们的办公室吗?
How would you feel about a tour of the office? 想要参观一个我们的办公室吗?
B: That would be great. Thank you so much. 那太好了。非常感谢。
It's wonderful to finally meet you. 真是不错终于见到你了。
I don't have a desk or a company computer yet. 我还没有桌子或者公司电脑。
2. 参观办公室
A: Thanks for taking the time to give me a tour. 感谢你抽时间带我参观。
B: My pleasure. 我的荣幸。
A: I can't thank you enough for all your help. 我对你所有的帮助感激不尽。
B: Don't mention it. 不客气。
It wasn't that long ago that I was new here myself. 我也是不久前才来的。
A: You'll probably sit somewhere in this section. 你可能会坐在这个部分的某个地方。
B: Ah, this area looks very nice. 嗯,这个区域看起来非常不错。
用over here 和 over there来指出办公室里的位置。
The bathrooms closest to your area are over here. And the kitchen is over there. 离你的地方最近的厕所在这里。厨房在那里。
3. 极好的第一天
My first day in the office
Hey, Jake.
Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how my first day at the new job went.
Things didn't start off so well. Security at the front desk didn't have my name. It took me a long time to even get in the building. Once I was in the office, I was still feeling a bit lost. Then I met this really nice project manager, Ann Chambers, and she took the time to give me a tour of the office. I met a lot of people, and everyone was very friendly and welcoming.
Later in the day, I got my desk. It's in a nice section with a big, sunny window. I'll get my new computer tomorrow. And there's a big kitchen nearby with a coffee machine and a big refrigerator. A lot of people bring their lunches. That's great for me because I need to save money for an apartment.
Talk to you soon.
Module 4 寻找一套公寓
1. 公寓广告
Seeking responsible, mature roommate to share my apartment.找有责任感的,成熟的室友分租公寓。
I am a professional and looking for same.我是上班族而且只找同样是上班族的。
No pets and nonsmokers only, please.不允许携带宠物和只找非吸烟者。
Lovely $3,000/month apartment near downtown, facing river. Two bedroom, two bath.
Private bedroom and bath. Share kitchen and living room. Nice balcony.
Split rent and utilities.平分租金和水电费。
2. 找室友
A: Hello? 你好?
B: Hi. I'm calling about the roommate ad you posted. 嗨。我打电话是想谈一下你发布的室友广告。
A: Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 你介不介意我问你几个问题?
B: No, that sounds good. Go ahead. 不介意,听上去不错。你问吧。
A: What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作?
B: I'm a professional florist. I do a lot of weddings. 我是一个专业的花匠。我做很多的婚礼。
I work in a high-tech company. 我在一家高科技公司工作。
A: Are you comfortable with splitting the rent and utilities? 平分租金和水电费你有问题吗?
B: That's what I was hoping for. 我本就是这样希望的。
A: How would you describe yourself?你会怎样描述你自己?
B: I'm a bit of a workaholic. I don't socialize much. 我有点工作狂。我社交活动不太多。
I'm mature and responsible. 我成熟和有责任感。
A: You and I sound like a good match. Let's meet face to face.你和我听起来比较合适。让我们见个面吧。
B: That sounds like a great idea! 那听起来是个不错的想法!
We sound like a good match. 我们听起来像是一个很好的搭配。