
作者: 止于至善sfsh | 来源:发表于2017-05-09 23:30 被阅读0次

A hazardous journey


Most Ghanaian migrants trying to reach Europe via Libya go through Burkina Faso to Agadez, Niger. From there they join others from West Africa and other areas who are fleeing conflict and persecution.


With the services of middlemen, they travel on overloaded trucks in convoys and part of the way on foot through the Sahara Desert to the Borkou region near the Libyan border. It’s a death-defying experience. Many die from exhaustion and dehydration.


Twum recalls the human traffickers and their extortionate demands for money. Also unforgettable was the sight of many lifeless bodies abandoned in the hot Saharan Desert. “Some were leaning on the rocks, they looked like they were sleeping, others were buried in the dust,” he recalled.


Three of his fellow travellers died. “They couldn’t continue the walk. When that happens, we try to encourage them, but after a while you have to leave them, because if you’re left behind you’ll lose your way, and you’ll soon die,” he said. “These were people I knew, we travelled together from Nkoronza. I called their families later from Tripoli to inform them.”


Twum’s story is all too common in the Brong Ahafo Region, with echoes across Ghana and other sub-Saharan African countries.


During the 2011 Libyan crisis and the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, more than 18,000 Ghanaian migrants in Libya were evacuated, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Ghana. The actual number of returnees, however, could be higher as some migrants managed to get out of Libya on their own before the crisis worsened.


The majority of the returnees were sent back to the Brong Ahafo Region, from which they came, according to the IOM, which supported the Ghanaian government in evacuating its stranded nationals.


For many families in Brong Ahafo, having a relative in Europeconfers prestige and the prospect of remittances. “Every household hopes to have someone in Europe,” says Walter Kwao-Anati,the director of migration at Ghana’s Ministry of the Interior.


In some cases, he adds, “There iscommunity supportfor relatives to leave, because your family will be looked down upon if no one has left for Europe.”


And there is also the expectation of financial support to the family back home, which helps to improve the family’s living conditions. According to the African Development Bank’sAfrican Economic Outlook2015 report, remittances, at $64 billion in 2015, remain the most stable and important single source of external finance to Africa.


But beneath the veil of perceived prestige are bigger national development issues. Kwao-Anati admits that in the case of Ghana, “Poverty is one of the major reasons why people migrate in search ofeconomic opportunities.”




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