ruse TEM8 GRE
UK /ruːz/ US /ruːz/
noun, A ruse is an action or plan which is intended to deceive someone.诡计,计谋,计策
1. They suffered racist harassment from white neighbors and in the 1920s the Manhattan Beach City Council took the land away through eminent domain under the ruse of needing it for a park.(Seattle Times)
2. The country’s king approved Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s plan for an emergency in early January to curb the virus, but critics say it is a political ruse to help the embattled leader stay in power.(Washington Times)
3. Mr. Kotsyubaylo said he believed Russia’s troop movements north and south of separatist-held territory were a ruse meant to draw Ukrainian forces away from the front line.(New York Times)
4. He used the ruse as an excuse to encourage insurrection against the colonial government and kill or capture law-abiding Indigenous people.(Washington Post)
5. Two courts saw through the ruse and rewrote the language to more accurately reflect what the referendum would do.(Washington Times)
6. After an FBI agent sent a ruse email on Feb. 25 claiming they were going to pull security footage from the hotel, Sibick called to say he actually buried the badge in his backyard.(Fox News)
7. Carson called the rule a "ruse for social engineering under the guise of desegregation -- essentially turning HUD into a national zoning board."(Fox News)
8. That ruse would be Trump’s capability to “shift tone,” into seriousness, as was attempted with his return to the White House coronavirus briefing on Tuesday.(The Guardian)
9. But in his announcement on Thursday, Dr. Carson called the old rule “a ruse for social engineering under the guise of desegregation.”(New York Times)
10. “My concern is whether their protection of federal property is a ruse to interfere with protesters’ free speech.”(Reuters)
11. These include limits on the use of brass-plate subsidiaries and on tax deductions linked to intra-group loans, an esoteric but lucrative ruse.(TheEconomist)
12. In the 1980s and 1990s the most common ruses were the use of provisioning and capitalised costs to understate expenses in the profit-and-loss account, and dodgy pension accounting.(TheEconomist)
clever, elaborate ruse | ruse by sb | ruse for
early 15c., "dodging movements of a hunted animal;" 1620s, "a trick," from Old French ruse, reuse "diversion, switch in flight; trick, jest" (14c.), back-formed noun from reuser "to dodge, repel, retreat; deceive, cheat," from Latin recusare "deny, reject, oppose," from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + causari "plead as a reason, object, allege," from causa "reason, cause" (see cause (n.)). It also has been proposed that the French word may be from Latin rursus "backwards," or a Vulgar Latin form of refusare. Johnson calls it, "A French word neither elegant nor necessary."
deceit, deception, delusion, fooling, fraud, hoodwinking, sham, stratagem, subterfuge, trickery, wile
openness, reality, stagnation, truth, truthfulness, forthrightness, sincerity, candour, directness,frankness, honesty
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