On keeping my schedule

作者: F_W | 来源:发表于2017-09-11 19:25 被阅读0次

Once I decide to insist on keeping remembering the words,and  deem it will a simple thing.Though ,maybe I am a person who can give up one thing easily. 

It's been more than half a month since I set my goal. Neverthless,I still want to pick up this goal again and continue my 10 word plan for each day.So let me do this boring thing again.

There are ten words.

1,nitrogen   n. this word can be divide into three parts , ni-tro-gen .which is one of the main ingredients of air. 

2,prone  adj. be prone to illness and melancholy(多愁善感的) 易于遭受,有做(坏事)的倾向;俯卧的.

error-prone , Describe a person who is prone to make mistakes 

injury-prone ,Describe a person who is extremely vulnerable.

3,cabin ,n. 传说中对的小木屋;机舱,船舱,(简而言之,凡是比较小的空间,都可以用这个单词来描述)

v. 住在小屋里面,关在小屋里面.  we can make a sentence to using this word. eg. He  cabins by his mother  becase made a mistake.

4,tonic adj,  make someone exited .(滋补的,使精神振作的,主音的(说实话,我不太懂这个什么意思),声调的)

n. 奎宁水(专门百度了下,是与鸡尾酒的调料),补药(以后出国买保健品,是不是就可以看到这个单词了,tonic,不知道补药算不上非法带入(O(∩_∩)O哈哈~));有兴奋(或激励)作用的事物(我在想传说中的兴奋剂是不是就是如此呢);护肤液;护发液;主音.

5,source n. 来源,出处,原始资料(original data) ,原因(a source of confusion),发源地;

6,scold v. scold 记忆技巧(s-cold) 责骂,斥责 ,Mother scolded me this morning for being rude to you.

7,superb adj.极好的,出色的 记忆技巧(super-b) 这里的b 可以想象单词(beauty) (我随便想的,哈哈,超级大美女,怎么能不是极好的,出色的呢);

eg. My wife and I discovered some superb restaurant to eat.

8,legion  adj 众多的,n 军团;众多 这个单词感觉在美国大片里面经常出现 ,所以以后是不是可以摆脱那个 说法了,There are so many people. 

直接改成,国庆黄金周,旅游景点人山人海 .During the National Day,there are legions of people.

9,inquiry v.探究,调查,质询  这个单词有意思了,古代的包打听职业. 反正就是通过询问,或是其他方式得到信息 .An inquiry is a question which you ask in order to get some information.

10,antenna (我把这单词叫做 an-ten-na,) n. 天线, 不知道天线宝宝可以用这词么?(为了避免发生错误,特意百度了下,天线宝宝是 teletubby).

That's all ,say today is over.Just do it by yourself with me and share you funny story on remembering words.



    本文标题:On keeping my schedule
