

作者: 甜菜的垂耳兔 | 来源:发表于2017-12-14 11:08 被阅读0次
    After poem-reciting and letter-reading shows became huge hits in China, a new show focusing on museums and ancient relics is looking to take advantage of Chinese viewers' growing interest in traditional culture.

    诗词背诵(poem-reciting)书信朗读(letter-reading )节目在中国大热(became huge hits或者我也可以说掀起热潮)之后,最近,一档关注博物馆和历史文物的节目迎合了(looking to take advantage of 希望利用,就是迎合)中国观众对传统文化日渐浓厚的兴趣。

    Currently holding a rating of 9.3/10 on Chinese review platform Douban, National Treasure quickly rose to the top of the country's national television rating ranks as well as the trending charts on Sina Weibo    after it debuted on Sunday on the State-run China Central Television (CCTV).

    目前,这档名为《国家宝藏》的节目于12月3日在国家中央电视台开播(debuted on 首次播出)。节目播出后,在中国影评平台(review platform )——豆瓣上获得了(holding a rating of真正的翻译是不拘泥于词句的)9.3分(满分10分),迅速飙升(rose to)至全国电视节目收视率及新浪微博热搜榜首。

    "Innovative" "informative" and "fun" were the most frequently used words to describe the show on China's social media platforms.

    在中国社交媒体平台上,形容这个节目频率最高的词(most frequently used words )就是“创新”“有料”(informative)和“有趣”

    The show focuses on introducing the stories and history surrounding 27 rare antiques from nine key museums in China, but introduces a reality show twist as ultimately nine treasures will be chosen via audience vote to take part in an exhibition at the Palace Museum in Beijing in 2020 celebrating the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City.

    节目重点介绍了(focuses on introducing)中国9大博物馆的27件珍奇古董(rare antiques)背后(surrounding)的故事和历史,但同时也加入了真人秀(a reality show)情节,最终(as ultimately )将由观众票选出9件文物,在2020年故宫(Forbidden City.)建成600周年之际于北京故宫博物院参展。

    Li Chen plays Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and tells the history of Wang Ximeng's precious painting "A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains," which is rarely seen as some mineral pigments are peeled off every time the painting is unfolded.

    李晨饰演宋朝皇帝宋徽宗,讲述了王希孟的珍奇画作《千里江山图》(A Panorama (全景)of Rivers and Mountains)的历史,由于每次画卷展开时上面的部分矿物颜料(mineral pigments)会剥落(peeled off ),所以该画作难得一见真容(rarely seen)

    Wang Kai, performing as Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong in the show, presented the historical background of "Large Vase with Variegated Glazes," which has the most complicated craftsmanship in the history of Chinese imperial porcelain.

    王凯在节目中饰演清朝皇帝乾隆,讲述(presented)了“各种釉彩(Variegated Glazes)大瓶”的历史背景,它展现了中国官窑瓷器(imperial porcelain)史上最为复杂的工艺(craftsmanship)。

    This effort to make history entertaining has paid off. The show has taken streaming site bilibili.com by storm with some 530,000 views and 620,000 comments so far.

    这种让历史文娱化(history entertaining )的方式得到了回馈。目前,该节目在流媒体(streaming site)网站哔哩哔哩上,观看(views)和评论数量(comments)分别为53万和62万。

    Nicknamed B Station, the platform has long been a major home to China's 25 and under population obsessed with the ACG (Anime, Comic and Games) culture and foreign films and shows.

    哔哩哔哩(主语)网站别称(Nicknamed)“B站”,该平台的主要受众(a major home to或者也可以说这个平台是……的主要聚集地)为25岁以下、痴迷ACG(动画、漫画、游戏)文化和外国影视剧和节目(films and shows)的年轻人。

    "Love the visuals at the beginning. I've rewatched that part over and over!" commented one viewer, "I had tears in my eyes as I watched the show," wrote another.

    “一开始就爱上了节目的视觉效果(Love the visuals)。我已经看了很多遍(rewatched that part over and over!)!”一位观众评论道。“看节目时,我热泪盈眶。”另一位观众说。

    "It portrays the story behind each national treasure like a blockbuster movie might do," a member of the Chinese Museums Association, told the Global Times on Wednesday, explaining why he feels the show has been such a big hit among young viewers.

    12月6日(时间放在前面),一名中国博物馆协会的成员接受了《环球时报》(Global Times)的采访,他在解释该节目在年轻观众中引起巨大反响(such a big hit )的原因时表示:“这部节目像电影大片(blockbuster movie  愿意轰动一时的电影)一样讲述了(portrays)国宝(national treasure)背后的故事。”

    "National Treasure brings museums and relics to young people in a playful and informative way."This is not the first time that a cultural series has become so popular overnight on the site. The success of cultural documentaries such as Masters of the Forbidden City and In Search of Craftsmanship reflect a growing interest in traditional culture among China's youth.

    《国家宝藏》以有趣、有料的方式向年轻人展示(bring to)博物馆和文物。这并非文化类节目首次一夜火爆网络(become so popular overnight on the site)。之前文化纪录片《我在故宫修文物》(Masters of the Forbidden City )和《致匠心》(In Search of Craftsmanship)的成功,反映了中国的年轻群体对传统文化日益浓厚的兴趣。

    It is an amazing show that does a good job combining knowledge and entertainment," Zhang Lin (pseudonym), an employee from the publicity office of a Beijing-based archaeological institution who is also a fan of the show, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

    北京一家考古机构宣传处工作人员(publicity office of a Beijing-based archaeological institution)张林(化名(pseudonym))是《国家宝藏》的粉丝,他在12月6日接受环球时报采访时表示:“这个节目令人赞叹,很好地将知识和娱乐结合在一起。”

    The story of the Qianlong vase has been regarded by many Chinese netizens as the highlight of the show so far. Screenshots and footage from this part of the show quickly became viral memes after the premiere.

    在很多中国网友(netizens)看来,乾隆瓷瓶的故事是目前该节目的一大亮点(highlight of),首播后(after the premiere.)该部分的截图和视频片段(Screenshots and footage)很快成为热门表情包(viral memes viral本来指病毒,此处表示热门 ,meme指英国的一种表情包)。

    In the show, the Qing emperor has a dream in which long-dead ancient artists and even his deceased father, the Yongzheng Emperor, criticize his obsession with bright colors and complicated designs. The emperor justifies himself saying that this is the best way to showcase the prosperity of his reign.

    节目中,这位清朝皇帝梦见久已故去的古代(long-dead ancient )艺术家和先父(deceased father)雍正帝,他们都批评乾隆沉迷明艳色彩和复杂图案。乾隆为自己辩解(justifies himself),称这是他昌盛王朝的最佳体现(showcase the prosperity of his reign.能显示他统治下的繁荣王朝的最佳方法)。

    Upon awakening, the emperor orders a huge 86 centimeter-tall vase incorporating various colors and patterns - later nicknamed the "Mother of Porcelain" - be made using all 17 ceramic making techniques that had been passed down through the ages.

    醒后乾隆下令烧制(orders)一个86厘米高的大瓷瓶,众多色彩和图案于一身(incorporating)。该瓶采用历代流传下来(passed down through the ages)的17种烧瓷工艺,后被称作“瓷母”。

    While some netizens pointed out that this is just the show's interpretation as to why the emperor had such gaudy taste, Zheng Hong, an associate researcher at the Palace Museum, thinks the show got it right.

    部分网友指出这只是节目组对乾隆华而不实品味解读(interpretation as to why the emperor had such gaudy taste),但故宫博物院研究员(associate researcher 协助的就是副的)郑宏认为节目中的解读是正确的。

    "I agree with the perspective that he intended to epitomize the techniques used throughout the history as a way to show off his power," she told the Global Times on Wednesday.

    她在6日接受环球时报采访时表示:“我赞同节目的观点,乾隆就是想历代技艺于大成(epitomize 愿意为缩影),以此炫耀他的实力。”



