Yesterday a stranger told me a lot about what he thinks of me. Later, I knew his name is Rocky.
I was wondering about what my life would be like in the future.
He replied me with these sentences: What we can experience is right now,neither the future nor the past .
'Right now' is a definite moment. It gives you real/genuine feelings and different experiences.
The present time is meaningful while the future is shadowy.
If you are feeling confused, why not consider trying different novel ways to lead your life intentionally.
To change your old-routine lifestyle. Encourage yourself to break the stubborn rules.
Try to experience the things you haven't experienced before so that your horizon will be expanded.
The more interesting things you try,the more well-rounded decisions you will make for each step of your life.
Each pain's existence has it's own reason. Writing down your pain and burning it away may be a good choice.
When you are ready to say goodbye to the past, you would then be able to figure out whether you are ready to embrace the future. In this case, you don't have to force yourself to erase the unpleasant memories. Just follow your heart and then what you pursue would smile upon you.
Rocky said 'If you appreciate what I tell you, go share the positive notions of your later life experience to those who are confused by their status'. I promised I will.
Thank you Rocky
那就珍惜现在 好好爱