

作者: 遇明不散 | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 22:35 被阅读1次


    • 搭乘某种代步工具
      take the bus
      take the subway
      take the airplane
      eg:How about taking a taxi?
    • 表"忍受"
      eg:I can't take it anymore.
    • 采取行动
      take actions
      eg:Let's take actions.
    • 表示拍照片
      take photos
      take selfies
      eg:He took many pictures and posted them on Moments.
    • take out系列
      takeout 外卖
      eg:He ordered Chinese takeout.
      take sb out 约某人出去
      eg:He takes his friend out for drinks.
      take out 打包带走
      eg:Do you want to eat in or take out?
      take sth out 把..拿出来
      eg:We can take the T-shirt out.
    • take in系列
      • 让...进入,收留
        eg:The seven dwarfs took Snow White in.
      • take sb in抓走,拘留
        eg:The police took him in.
      • take sth in 做理解,领会
        eg:This course is so difficult,we can't take it in.
      • 消化,吸收
        eg:It takes some more time for people to take in nutrition.
      • 收紧,改短
        eg:We can take it in a bit.
    • take up系列
      • 拿起
        eg:We can take the book up,the pen up or the phone up.
      • 占据,占用
        eg:The molecules move faster and take up more space.
        eg:Learning English will take up much of our time.
      • 表示从事/工作/学习
        eg:We can take up learning English from now on.
      • 表示接受(挑战等)
        eg:You have to take up many challenges.



