An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth以牙还牙,以眼还眼
Shut one's eyes to充耳不闻
Lose one's shirt损失惨重
Make a scene无理取闹
Requite/return like for like以牙还牙,一报还一报
eRise a cain/hell/the devil 兴风作浪
Take up a quarrel偏袒某一方
put their heads together碰头商量
Put on high airs装腔作势
The top of one's bend快乐到了极点
To be in the cards顺理成章
Eat one's heart out悲痛欲绝
Buy a pig in the poke购物癖
Carry one of one's feet狂热得飘票飘欲仙
Keep one's memory green某人头脑清楚做事不糊涂
Live on air不吃饭,喝西北风
Nail the colors to the mast立场坚定,誓死不屈,决不投降
Bow sb. to the earth羞愧难当,无地自容
Bring one's pigs to the wrong market血本无归
Makes a market博取人心
Have / win one's chief' ears受某人宠顾 得到某人关爱引起某人注意
Keep one's nose clean明哲保身
Fit the cap on sb.指桑骂槐