On Writing Well -Day25 (Ch23)

On Writing Well -Day25 (Ch23)

作者: 胖头鸭鸭 | 来源:发表于2017-11-23 18:23 被阅读0次


    Part I | Principles

    1. The Transaction

    2. Simplicity

    3. Clutter (Writing clean English Sentence)

    4. Style (Preserving your identity)

    5. The audience (Who am I writing for)

    6. Words (The only tools you’ve got)

    7. Usage (What is good usage)

    Part II | Methods

    8. Unity (Anchor of good writing)

    9. The lead and the ending

    10. Bits and pieces

    Part II | Forms

    11. Nonfiction as Literature

    12. Writing About People: The Interview

    13. Writing About Places: The travel article

    14. Writing About Yourself: The Memoir

    15. Science and Technology

    16. Business Writing:Writing in Your Job

    17. Sports

    18. Writing About the Arts Critics and Columnists

    19. Humor

    Part III |Attitudes

    20. The Sound of Your Voice

    21. Enjoyment, Fear and Confidence

    22. The Tyranny of the Final Product

    23. A Writer’s Decisions


    Words and Expressions:

    1. ...that narrative—good old-fashioned storytelling—is what should pull your readers along without their noticing the tug.

    tug在这里是名词,表示 使劲拉;拽。


    1.VERB 使劲拉;拽

    If you tug something or tug at it, you give it a quick and usually strong pull.

    【语法信息】:V at n

    【语法信息】:V n

    【语法信息】:Also V

    A little boy came running up and tugged at his sleeve excitedly...


    She kicked him,tugging his thick hair.


    Tug is also a noun.

    Bobby gave her hair a tug…


    I felt a tug at my sleeve.


    2.N-COUNT 拖船;拖轮

    A tug or a tug boat is a small powerful boat which pulls large ships, usually when they come into a port.

    2. My article, called “The News From Timbuktu”.

    Timbuktu 是mali的一个城市,坐落在撒哈拉沙漠边上,周围没有其他城镇,所以也可以用来表示“any distant or outlandish place”。

    比较常见的用法是: from here to Timbuktu

    3. Every town starts with dirt streets that eventually get paved as the inhabitants prosper and subdue their environment.


    1.VERB 制服;征服;控制

    If soldiers or the police subdue a group of people, they defeat them or bring them under control by using force.

    【语法信息】:V n

    Senior government officials admit they have not been able to subdue the rebels.


    2.VERB 抑制,压制,克制(感情)

    To subdue feelings means to make them less strong.

    【语法信息】:V n

    He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.


    4. ...surviving only because of its unique location as the junction of important camel caravan routes across the Sahara.

    caravan常见的意思是第一个,但这里表示第二个意思 “(带着牲口的一群人结伴而行的)旅行队”。


    1.N-COUNT 旅行拖车;大篷车;房车

    A caravan is a vehicle without an engine that can be pulled by a car or van. It contains beds and cooking equipment so that people can live or spend their holidays in it.

    【语域标签】:mainly BRIT 主英

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 trailer

    2.N-COUNT (带着牲口的一群人结伴而行的)旅行队;车队

    A caravan is a group of people and animals or vehicles who travel together.

    ...the old caravan routes from Central Asia to China.


    5. The colorful nomads who drive the caravans have traveled 1,000 miles across the Sahara


    N-COUNT 游牧民;游牧部落的人

    A nomad is a member of a group of people who travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time.

    ...a country of nomads who raise cattle and camels.


    6. But I didn’t begrudge a minute of it.

    1.VERB 妒忌;嫉妒

    If you do not begrudge someone something, you do not feel angry, upset, or jealous that they have got it.

    【语法信息】:V n n

    【搭配模式】:usu with brd-neg

    I certainly don't begrudge him the Nobel Prize.


    2.VERB 吝啬;吝惜;舍不得

    If you do not begrudge something such as time or money, you do not mind giving it up.

    【语法信息】:V n

    【语法信息】:Also V -ing

    【搭配模式】:usu with brd-neg

    I do not begrudge the money I have lost.


    7. I didn’t want to be put down in such a forsaken place.

    ADJ (See also:godforsaken) 荒废的;无人看管的;被遗忘的

    A forsaken place is not lived in, used, or looked after.

    【搭配模式】:ADJ n


    The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsakenl and of thickets and swamps.


    ...a forsaken church and a derelict hotel.


    8. It was another salt caravan, this one fifty camels long, silhouetted against the sky.

    silhouette /ˌsɪlu'ɛt/

    1.N-COUNT (浅色或强光背景下衬托出的)暗色轮廓,影像,剪影

    A silhouette is the solid dark shape that you see when someone or something has a bright light or pale background behind them.

    The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.


    2.N-COUNT 形状;外形;轮廓

    The silhouette of something is the outline that it has, which often helps you to recognize it.

    ...the distinctive silhouette of his ears...


    The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.


    3.PHRASE 呈侧面影像;呈黑色轮廓像

    If you see something in silhouette, you see it as a dark shape with no detail except for the outline.

    Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.


    9. perhaps as a Tuareg he considered them desert riffraff.

    N-UNCOUNT 乌合之众;流氓地痞;不三不四的人

    If you refer to a group of people as riff-raff, you disapprove of them because you think they are not respectable.


    13.I got on the plane to Bradenton for spring training not knowing whether I would be welcomed or rebuffed.


    VERB 拒绝;回绝

    If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.

    【语法信息】:V n

    【语法信息】:Also be V-ed in n

    【搭配模式】:usu with supp

    His proposals have already been rebuffed by the Prime Minister.


    Rebuff is also a noun.

    The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr Jones.



    上一章讲的是如何做出写作中的big decision (matters of shape, structure, compression, focus and intention), 而这章,通过剖析一篇完整的长文,讲到了写作中会碰到的无数个小的decision。

    看完这章,有点理解zinser为什么把写作比作jigsaw puzzle了。作者的任何一个决定,就好像每块拼图的边缘一样,决定了词与词、句与句、段与段之间是否能做到严丝合缝,是否能最终形成一份完整的拼图。

    No writing decision is too small to be worth a large expenditure of time.

    看看写完一篇文章要做多少次决定吧  (Decide what you want to do. Then decide to do it. Then do it.):

    Write clear and pleasing sentences, and use logic as glue to hold sentences together;

    Write a lead that will grab the readers (the hardest decision);

    Break a long sentence into short ones (don't make one sentence do too much work);

    Give readers as much information as they require;

    Use funny or self-serving quotes;

    Use FRESH words, and choose words carefully;

    Self-discipline bordering on masochism;

    Use tiny jokes as touches of humor;

    Make divisions by breaking the material into manageable chunks and to take one chunk at a time;

    Trust your material;

    Know where to end.

    别忘了最重要的: Get on the plane,出发吧!

    "If a subject interests you, go after it. It’s not going to come looking for you."



        本文标题:On Writing Well -Day25 (Ch23)
