宋诗英译|| 苏轼《题西林壁》 Inscribing the W

宋诗英译|| 苏轼《题西林壁》 Inscribing the W

作者: 行路人Journeyer | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 07:09 被阅读0次

Inscribing the Wall of Xilin Temple

 Su Shi
 Translated by Xuemei 

 Version 3  2019.01.08

From the side I see a peak;
The front, a range of hills.

Far or near, high or low,
I get a different view.

The real shape of Mount Lu
Is what I do not know,

For I am looking from
Deep inside the hills.

 Version 1  2018.12.13 

From the side, a peak; the front, a range of hills:

The scenery varies from far or near, high or low.

The real shape of Mount Lu is hard to know,

For in the mountain, one lacks a thorough view.

 Version 2  2018.12.13 

From the side, a towering peak; the front, a hill range:

Far or near, high or low, the views are all so different.

The real shape of Mount Lu is yet to be known

Only because I, myself, am standing in the mountain.


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      本文标题:宋诗英译|| 苏轼《题西林壁》 Inscribing the W
