1、合伙协议 Partnership agreement
2、资本利息 Interest on capital
3、剩余利润 Residual profit
4、分配 Appropriation
5、盈亏分配帐户 Profit and loss appropriation
6、结转下期余额 Balance carried down
7、上期结转余额 Balance Brought down
8、合伙人贷款 Partner’s loan
9、合作企业 Joint venture
10、合作企业备查帐户 Memorandum joint venture
11、杂费 Sundry expenses
12、佣金 Commission
13、运出运费 Carriage outwards
14、运入运费 Carriage inwards
15、联合银行存款帐户 Joint bank account
16、商誉 Goodwill
17、重估价法 Revaluation method
18、合并 Amalgamation
19、合并前 Pre-Amalgamation
20、合并后 Post-Amalgamation
21、通过支付年金清偿 Discharge by payment of annuity
22、年金暂记帐户 Annuity suspense account
23、保险金 Premiums
24、退保价值 Surrender value
25、人寿保险政策帐户 Life assurance policies account
26、贸易表 Trading account
27、终止 Cessation
28、变卖资产帐户 Realization account
29、合伙企业的解体 Dissolution of partnership
30、最后约定的资本 Last agreed capital
31、逐步解体 Piecemeal dissolution
32、变卖资产费用准备 Provision for realization expense
33、变卖资产损失 Loss on realization
34、股票帐户 Shares account
35、英国境内公司 UK resident company
36、非免税收入 Un-franked receipts
37、公司所得税费用 CT charge
38、代扣所得税的交纳 Payment under deduction of IT
39、磨损 Wear and tear
40、拥有法定所有权的土地 Freehold land
41、过时 Obsolescence
42、开采或消耗 Extraction of consumption over time
43、直线法 Straight line method
44、余额递减法 Reducing balance method
45、年数总和法 Sum of the digits method
46、累计折旧 Accumulated depreciations
47、经济使用年限 Useful economic lives
48、每股净收益 Earnings per share
49、例外项目 Exceptional items
50、非常项目 Extraordinary items
51、前期调整 Prior year adjustment
52、不能抵销的预交公司税 Irrevocable advanced corporation tax
53、未抵销的损失 Unrelieved losses
54、净值基础 Net basis
55、零值基础 Nil basis
56、消耗品 Consumable stores
57、成本与可实现净值孰低 The lower of cost and net realizable value
58、平均成本 Average cost
59、先进先出 First in first out
60、后进先出 Last in first out
61、标准成本 Standard cost
62、重置成本 Replacement cost
63、资产负债表日后日期 Event after balance sheet date
64、董事会 The board of directors
65、调整事项 Adjusting event
66、非调整事项 Non-adjusting event
67、或有事项 Contingencies
68、或有收益 Contingent gain
69、或有损失 Contingent loss
70、资本承诺 Capital commitments
71、现金流量表 Cash flow statement
72、信用交易 Credit transaction
73、现实购买力会计 Current purchasing power accounting (CPP)
74、现实成本会计 Current cost accounting(CCA)
75、零售物价指数 Retail price index
76、持有收益 Holding gains
77、业绩评估 Assessment of performance
78、货币性项目的衡量 Measurement of monetary items
79、货币性资产 Monetary assets
80、货币性负债 Monetary liabilities
81、征求意见稿 Exposure draft
82、货币性营运资本调整 Monetary working capital adjustment
83、举债比率调整 Gearing adjustment
84、净营业资产 Net operating assets
85、发行和赎回债券 Issue and redemption debentures
86、债券 Bonds
87、契约 Deed
88、无担保债券 Naked-debentures(unsecured)
89、拥有法定所有权的 Freehold
90、偿债基金 Sinking fund
91、债券赎回偿债基金 Debenture redemption sinking fund account
92、偿债基金投资帐户 Sinking fund investment account
93、可转换债券 Convertible debentures
94、资本化发行 Capitalization issue
95、股权发行 Bonus issue
96、含权价 Cum-rights prices
97、除权价 Ex-rights prices
98、可分配公积 Distributable of reserves
99、以公积支付股利 Paying a dividend out of reserve
100、已付清红利股 Paid-up bonus shares
101、重估公积 Revaluation reserve
102、减资 Capital reductions
103、资本重组 Capital reorganizations
104、过剩资本 Excess capital
105、资本重建 Capital reconstruction
106、权益汇总帐户 Sundry members account
107、实现帐户 Realization account
108、购买者帐户 Purchaser’s account
109、自愿清算 Voluntary liquidation
110、特别决议 Special resolution
111、方案\计划 Scheme
112、清偿\偿还 Discharge
113、卖方帐户 Vendor account
114、创立合并 Amalgamation
115、高估 Over-valuation
116、低估 Under-valuation
117、集团报表 Group accounts
118、纵向联合 Vertical integration
119、横向联合 Horizontal integration
120、不同行业联合 Diversification
121、控股公司 Holding company
122、重大影响 Dominant influence
123、直接控制集团 Direct group
124、垂直控制集团 Vertical group
125、混合控制集团 Mixed group
126、盈余公积 Revenue reserve
127、合并公积 Consolidation reserve
128、少数股权 Minority interests
129、合并商誉 Goodwill on consolidation
130、合并资本公积 Capital reserve on consolidation
131、少数股东 Minority share holders
132、股本溢价 Share premium
133、部分收购 Partial acquisition
134、在途支票 Cheque in the post
135、收买前后 Pre( post)-acquisition
136、调整帐户 Adjustment accounts
137、对子公司投资 Investment in subsidiary
138、普通公积 General reserve
139、参与股权 Participating interest
140、集团内部交易 Intra-group trading
141、公司间销售 Inter-company sales
142、溢价 Premium
143、折价 Discount
144、债券利息 Debenture interest
145、分次购买 Piecemeal acquisition
146、关联公司 Associated company
147、多数股权 Majority holding
148、累计控股 Cumulative holding
149、子公司 Sub-subsidiary
150、子集团,附属集团 Sub-group
151、多公司结构 Multi-company structures
152、伙伴子公司 Fellow subsidiaries
153、有效股权 Effective shareholdings
154、控制股权 Controlling interest
155、资本报酬率 Return on capital employed
156、产权收益率 Returen on equity
157、息税前净利 Net Profit before interest and tax
158、应收帐款帐龄表 Aging schedule of debtors
159、资金来源及运用表 Source and application of funds statement
160、通货膨胀 Inflation
161、通货紧缩 Deflation
162、损耗 Deplete
163、每股收益 Earnings per share
164、股利保证倍数 Dividend cover
165、股利分配率 Dividend payout ratio
166、股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio
167、净收益率 Earnings yield
168、市盈率 Price/ earnings ratio
169、公司估价 The valuation of components
170、联营公司 Associated companies
171、共同比财务报表 Common-size financial statements
172、物质资源 Physical resources
173、会计原则 Accounting principles
174、会计方法 Accounting methods
175、权责发生制 Accrual accounting
176、重置成本 Replacement cost
177、一般会计原则 Generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP)
178、剩余现金 Cash surplus
179、净值减免 Writing down allowance
180、收购公司 Purchasing company
181、开帐分录 Opening entry
182、接管 Take over
183、企业收购帐户 Business purchase account
184、卖主帐户 Vendor account
185、留存收益 Retained earnings
186、普通股股本 Ordinary share capital
187、优先股股本 Preference share capital
188、债券 Debentures
189、损益表 Profit and loss account
190、股东年会 General meeting
191、真实/公允 True and fair
192、推销成本 Distribution cost
193、投资注销额 Amount written-off investment
194、自建工程资本化 Own work capitalized
195、集团内股票收入 Income from shares in group under takings
196、其他股票收入 Income from shares in other participating interests
197、自有股 Own shares
198、负债准备 Provisions for liabilities
199、资本赎回公积 Capital redemption reserve
200、按公司章程保留的公积 Reserve provided for by the articles of association
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