Day15:France’s next revolution

Day15:France’s next revolution

作者: 虎跳霞 | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 21:44 被阅读0次



    1 far beyond its borders: 远远超出国界线

    2 power rotates: pass to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order 权利轮转

    promise an upheavel: give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation) ;a violent or sudden change or disruption to something 有可能引起剧变

    4 revitalize the EU, or wreck it. 重新振兴欧盟,要么彻底摧毁它。

    5 grumble about : complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way

    6 sap vitality: 逐渐削弱活力

    7 decry globalisation 公开谴责全球化

    8 obstruct foreign trade: 阻碍外贸

    9 pitch himself as… 将自己定位成...

    10 trim the payroll: 削减薪水(总额)

    11 enact legislation: 通过法律

    12 doom a union 摧毁一个联盟

    13 clinch presidency: 拥抱总统席位


    a political and economical stagnation: 政治和经济停滞

    hallmark: a distinctive feature, especially one of excellence

    c first round of presidential ballot: 第一轮总统选举

    insurgent candidates: one of a group of people fighting against the government of their own country, or against authority 革命者候选人

    e reverberation: a severe effect that is caused by a particular event and continues for a long time 反响

    f self-dealing: 假公济私

    g standard-bearer: 领导人

    h sluggish economy: 缺乏活力的经济

    i serious malaise: 严重不满的情绪

    j cultural rift: 文化裂痕

    k an overhaul of pensions and social security: a thorough examination of machinery or a system, with repairs or changes made if necessary 养老金和社保大调整

    l repudiation of status quo/stasis: 拒绝现状/静止

    m run-off: 决胜选举



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