凯文·凯利《失控》 一书,值得一读。原书名:Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World.
这本书共 700 多页,趁着假期,把最后 4 章全部看完了。
在第 22 章有谈到:所有成长的东西都拥有几个共同的特点,其中一个,就是形状为 S 形曲线的生命周期:缓慢地诞生、迅速的成长、缓慢地衰败(slow birth, steep growth, slow decline);结局的形态和开端的形态相对称(the shape of the ending is symmetrical to the shape of the beginning)。
这让我想起了 S 形 学习曲线,我们一起来看看。
标准的 S-Curve(Sigmoid function)Learning Plateaus(学习高原)
- Beginner stage (0% to 60%)
- Intermediate stage (60% to 80%)
- Advanced stage (80% to 95%)
- Expert or Master stage (95% to 100%)
- The Learning Zone Model;
- The 3 Zones Everyone Should Know About,Seth Sandler;
'If you want to feel secure, Do what you already know how to do. But if you want to grow… Go to the cutting edge of your competence, Which means a temporary loss of security. So, whenever you don’t quite know what you are doing, Know That you are growing…'(Viscott, 2003)
- 感觉到厌烦了,则表明你目前处于舒适区;
过分追求安全感是人生一个最重的枷锁,有时困在当下或许不自知; - 感觉根本无法集中注意力,可能你处于恐慌区了;
- 感觉很带劲,这就对了,说明你正处于学习区,请保持姿势,继续努力吧~!