71. Sally's first train ride

71. Sally's first train ride

作者: 张无忌_ | 来源:发表于2016-07-03 11:51 被阅读101次

    1. 单词部分

    excited adj. 兴奋的

    exciting 令人兴奋的

    interested 感兴趣的 -> interesting 令人感兴趣的

    moved 感动的  ->  moving 令人感动的

    surprised 惊讶的 -> surprising 令人惊讶的

    He is excited. 

    It was surprising.

    a moving moment  一个让人感动的瞬间。

    moving picture ... 令人感动的照片。

    This movies is moving.

    She is surprised.

    This man is interesting. 

    His report on the space exploration was really exciting. 他的太空利用的报告让人非常激动。

    I can judge that he is very excited form the exciting look on the face. 


    get on 登上

    get in 上车

    middle-aged adj. 中年的

    a mild-aged lady 一位中年的妇女。

    elderly people 老年的  elderly 上了年级的。

    opposite 在 ... 对面

    curiously adj. 好奇地

    curious 好奇的

    The boy was curious about everything he saw.

    be curious about ...   对... 感到好奇的。

    funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的

    He closed his speech with a funny joke.


    powder 香粉

    I'm just going to powder my nose. 我准备化妆。

    compact 戴镜的化妆盒

    kindly 和蔼地

    She smiled kindly. 她笑得很和蔼。

    ugly 丑陋

    This is an ugly situation. 这是个令人困窘的情况。

    amused 有趣的

    I had an amusing experience last year. 去年, 我有一个特别让人觉得很有意思的经历。

    smile 微笑

    embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的。

    2. 课文部分

    Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally was invited to a children's party.

    上周, 我4岁的女儿萨莉要被邀请去一个儿童的聚会。

    a workers' club 工人俱乐部

    a students' reading room 学生预览室

    I decided to take her by train.  我决定带她坐火车。

    decide to do ... 决定做 ...

    She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.


    Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.


    She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.


    asked questions about everything she saw.

    everything she saw 她做见到的一切。

    everything he did 他所做的一切。

    something he said 他所说的事情。

    everything he left. 他留下的而一切。

    Suddenly a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.


    'Hello , little girl'  , she said. 小女孩, 你好。

    Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. 萨莉没有回话,但是好奇的看着她。

    The lady was dressed in blue coat, and a large, funny hat .


    be dressed in ...  穿着...的易于

    After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.

    在火车开车了以后, 这位女士打开了她的手提包并且那个出来她的粉盒。

    She then began to make up her face. 然后她就开始抹粉在她的脸上。

    'Why are you doing that' ? Sally asked.  你在做什么?

    'To make myself beautiful', the lady answered. 让自己变得更漂亮。

    to ... 表示目的

    I am coming to see you .

    I learn English to go abroad.

    He did that to make her happy.


    She put away her compact and smiled kindly.  她将粉盒放到回去微笑着。

    'But you are still ugly,' Sally said. 但是你仍然很丑,

    Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed! 这时萨莉非常顽皮,但是我特别尴尬。

    3. 语法部分

    被动语态  -> 跟主动相反的意思

    ->  be + done.


    The window is closed.


    He was killed last night.

    1. 手表坏了。

    坏了 = is breken

    The watch is broken.

    2. 她的钱包丢了。

    Her waller is was lost yesterday.

    3. 这几辆车是上周修好的。

    The cars were repaired last week.

    4. 她儿子被送到学校去了。

    Her son was taken to school.

    5. 我昨天被邀请去参加了他的生日聚会

    I was invited to his birthday party yesterday.

    6. 没有人是生而知之者。

    No man is born wiser or learned.  

    常用的被动语态 ?

    1. be born ... (bear - bore - born )

    He was born in 1992.

    2. be hurt (hurt - hurt- hurt)

    I am hurt.

    3. be dressed in ...

    The lady is dressed in a large funny hat.

    什么时候使用被动语态 ?

    1. 不知道动作的发生者。

    It is broken.

    2. 强调动作的发出者。

    He breaks it .   & It is broken by him.

    3. 没有必要提出动作的发出者。

    A new building was building.  一座大楼被建好了。

    4. 单词句型讲解

    worried 担心的, 担忧的

    Don't be worried about the exam.

    Don't worry about the exam.  别担心考试。

    regularly 经常的,定期的

    usually 通常

    It's important to exercise regular. 定期的去运动是必须的。

    1. Does anyone ever air this room?

    This room is tied by someone regularly.

    2. Does anyone ever clean these rooms?

    These rooms are leaned by some regularly .

    3. Does anyone ever empty this basket?

    It is emptied by someone regularly.

    4. Does anyone ever sharpen this pencil?

    It is sharpened by someone regularly.

    5. Does anyone ever turn on these taps?

    They are turned on by someone regularly.

    5. 知识拓展


    This seat is taken. 这个座有人做了。



          本文标题:71. Sally's first train ride
