Down with summer holidays
scroll through 滚动(屏幕)
down with sb./sth 反对.....
be down with sb/sth 支持...;对...感兴趣
muggy adj.闷热潮湿的
pack sth off 把...打发走
kick in凑份子,捐助
whopping adj.巨大的,很大的
strain the budgets加重经济负担
spend a fortune 花一大笔钱
do superbly in exams 考试表现优异
obsess with 执着于,对...痴迷
lie / stand / remain idle 闲置着
idle sb’s time away 消磨时光
vanish v.突然消失
burnish v.打磨,擦亮;努力改善
as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠
at a stone's throw一箭之遥
wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡
as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪
as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛
seek a hare in a hen's nest 缘木求鱼
as dumb as an oyster 守口如瓶
lead a dog's life 过着牛马一样的生活
cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉
put back the clock 开倒车
talk horse 吹牛
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵
drink like a fish 牛饮
Once the wife of a parson, always the wife of a parson.
One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
Poor children tend to be the worst affected
2) Summer holidays vary greatly from country to country.
3) There is scant evidence that they make much difference.
4) It is idle to do sth:做某事毫无意义