52个有效方法(42) - 多用GCD,少用performSel

52个有效方法(42) - 多用GCD,少用performSel

作者: SkyMing一C | 来源:发表于2018-09-29 16:39 被阅读24次




[self performSelector:@selector(selectorName)];
[self selectorName];
  • performSelector方法内存管理容易有缺失。

performSelector方法的区别在于,selector是在running time才决定的,这就是它的强大之处。这就等于在动态绑定之上再次使用动态绑定,因而可以实现出下面这种功能。

SEL selector;
if ( /* some condition */ ) {
selector = @selector(foo);
} else if ( /* some other condition */ ) {
selector = @selector(bar);
} else {
selector = @selector(baz);
[object performSelector:selector];


  • 返回值只能是void或对象类型。
 id ret = [object performSelector:selector]


  • performSelector系列方法有局限性,所能处理的选择子太多局限了,选择子的返回值类型及发送给方法的参数个数都受到限制。
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object;
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object1 withObject:(id)object2;
id object = /* an object with a property called value */
id newValue = /* new value for the property */
[object performSelector:@selector(setValue:) withObject:newValue];

- (void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)anArgument afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay;
- (void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thr withObject:(id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait;
- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait;


  • performSelector系列方法所提供的线程功能,可以通过GCD机制中的块来实现。

  • performSelector系列方法所提供的延后执行功能,也可以用dispatch_after来实现。
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(6 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{


  • 参数dispatch_time_t解析


  • 第一种相对时间:通过dispatch_time函数。

  • 第二种是绝对时间,通过dispatch_walltime函数来获取,其需要使用一个timespec的结构体来得到dispatch_time_t

dispatch_time(<#dispatch_time_t when#>, <#int64_t delta#>)

dispatch_time_t time=dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 10*NSEC_PER_SEC);

dispatch_walltime(<#const struct timespec * _Nullable when#>, <#int64_t delta#>)

dispatch_walltime(<#const struct timespec * _Nullable when#>, <#int64_t delta#>)
dispatch_time_t time_w = dispatch_walltime(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 3 * NSEC_PER_SEC);

    dispatch_after(time_w, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
  • dipatch_timedispatch_walltime解析
dispatch_time stops running when your computer goes to sleep. dispatch_walltime continues running. So if you want to do an action in one hour minutes, but after 5 minutes your computer goes to sleep for 50 minutes, dispatch_walltime will execute an hour from now, 5 minutes after the computer wakes up. dispatch_time will execute after the computer is running for an hour, that is 55 minutes after it wakes up.
  • dispatch_time得到的时间长度是相对的,与设备running时间相关,即设备运行时才计时。

  • dispatch_walltime设定的时间段是绝对的,与设备是否running无关。

  • 在另一个线程上执行任务则可通过dispatch_asyncdispatch_sync来实现。
 * @function dispatch_async
 * @abstract
 * Submits a block for asynchronous execution on a dispatch queue.
 * @discussion
 * The dispatch_async() function is the fundamental mechanism for submitting
 * blocks to a dispatch queue.
 * Calls to dispatch_async() always return immediately after the block has
 * been submitted, and never wait for the block to be invoked.
 * The target queue determines whether the block will be invoked serially or
 * concurrently with respect to other blocks submitted to that same queue.
 * Serial queues are processed concurrently with respect to each other.
 * @param queue
 * The target dispatch queue to which the block is submitted.
 * The system will hold a reference on the target queue until the block
 * has finished.
 * The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
 * @param block
 * The block to submit to the target dispatch queue. This function performs
 * Block_copy() and Block_release() on behalf of callers.
 * The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(4.0))
dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_t queue, dispatch_block_t block);
 * @function dispatch_sync
 * @abstract
 * Submits a block for synchronous execution on a dispatch queue.
 * @discussion
 * Submits a workitem to a dispatch queue like dispatch_async(), however
 * dispatch_sync() will not return until the workitem has finished.
 * Work items submitted to a queue with dispatch_sync() do not observe certain
 * queue attributes of that queue when invoked (such as autorelease frequency
 * and QOS class).
 * Calls to dispatch_sync() targeting the current queue will result
 * in dead-lock. Use of dispatch_sync() is also subject to the same
 * multi-party dead-lock problems that may result from the use of a mutex.
 * Use of dispatch_async() is preferred.
 * Unlike dispatch_async(), no retain is performed on the target queue. Because
 * calls to this function are synchronous, the dispatch_sync() "borrows" the
 * reference of the caller.
 * As an optimization, dispatch_sync() invokes the workitem on the thread which
 * submitted the workitem, except when the passed queue is the main queue or
 * a queue targetting it (See dispatch_queue_main_t,
 * dispatch_set_target_queue()).
 * @param queue
 * The target dispatch queue to which the block is submitted.
 * The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
 * @param block
 * The block to be invoked on the target dispatch queue.
 * The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(4.0))
dispatch_sync(dispatch_queue_t queue, DISPATCH_NOESCAPE dispatch_block_t block);

  • dispatch_sync(queue,block):同步队列,dispatch_sync 函数不会立即返回,会阻塞当前线程,将block放到指定的queue上面执行,等待该block同步执行完成后才会返回。

  • dispatch_async(queue,block):异步队列,dispatch_sync 函数会立即返回,block放到指定queue中等待执行,该block是并行还是串行只跟queue定义有关。

  • 在iOS中是无法使用 dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue()^(){block体})
    在iOS使用 dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue()^(){block体});时,dispath向主队列加一个同步的block;此时主队列在等待 dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^(){block体});执行,dispatch_sync在等待主队列执行完毕。所以在此过程中,我们最初调用的dispatch_sync函数一直得不到返回,main queue被阻塞,而我们的block又需要等待main queue来执行它。造成死锁。

  • 在iOS 使用主队列 dispatch_get_main_queue() 时 应该使用异步执行
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(){

  1. performSelector系列方法在内存管理方法容易有疏失。它无法确定将要执行的选择子具体是什么,因而ARC编译器也就无法插入适当的内存管理方法。

  2. performSelector系列方法所能处理的选择子太多局限了,选择子的返回值类型及发送给方法的参数个数都受到限制。

  3. 如果想把任务放另一个线程上执行,那么最好不要用performSelector系列方法,而是应该把任务封装到块里,然后调用大中枢派发机制的相关方法来实现。



    本文标题:52个有效方法(42) - 多用GCD,少用performSel
