覺得Savannah的人設不是很好,她一方面想幫Tim 治療,但又一直想留住John.最後John 賣了父親留給自己的東西,並以匿名的方式給Savannah幫助Tim接受治療。John 一直以來都很喜歡Savannah,但是我並不希望如果Tim沒有治療成功,去世了,Savannah跟John又在一起了。John是個很善良的人,即使他把錢捐給了他們,跟Savannah在一起也會讓他覺得愧對Tim.

Q1: In all the time he stood there , Savannah never looked up and he felt haunted by all that they had lost.
Q2:He worried about Alan. He learned that life wasn't fair and that it's possible to get on no matter how impossible it seems, and that in time, the grief lessens . It may never go away completely , but after a while it's not overhelming.
Q3:Yes , She still in love with John.
Q4:He sold his dad's coin collection, and gave the money to help them. I think John really love Savannah.