Dear John Day 4

Dear John Day 4

作者: 木兮_c7ad | 来源:发表于2017-11-06 22:15 被阅读0次






1) ..., and it didn't take a genius to figure out we were both on the fast track to nowhere.

2) He was nearing retirement, and  I was struck by the notion that I had no right to keep letting him down after all he'd done for me.

 3) He was, I've long since come to believe, a far better man than I'll ever be.

4) Nothing too personal, nothing mushy, and never a word.

3. 我答

1. John's father tried engage him in another discussion about coins, as if grasping for the companionship that had somehow been lost between them.But it did't work.

2. He began to cut classes and smoke and was suspended for fighting  on three occasions. He was at night with booze and at a party where drugs and drinking.

3. Because he suddenly realized that he didn't want to spend another pointless evening pretending that everything in his life was okay.Whilehesaw hisfathe's hair was mostly gone, he was struck by the notion that he had no right to keep letting him down after all he'd done for him.

4. He quitted smoke and moderated his drinking one or two beers a week. He read a lot. he also knew how to get along with his father.

5. Life in the army he must follow orders without question, no matter how stupid they might be, and learned the best ways to kill people and break things. Life in the army didn't pay much. 

Yes, he enjoyed it


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