re.per.cuss.ion -cuss =shake 摇、敲

re.per.cuss.ion -cuss =shake 摇、敲

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-03-12 21:59 被阅读7次

title: repercussion
date: 2019-03-12 17:49:52
NO_sents: 41
NO_references: 28


  • The repercussion of this is a paradigm shift, in which the model unit of these breeding analyses shifts from being the line of descent to the allele. (Thistlethwaite et al., 2019)
  • GS is a significant paradigm shift with an inconceivable repercussion as the models' unit of quantitative genetics analyses have shifted from being the line of descent to the allele. (Stejskal et al., 2018)
  • A repercussion is that some tweets became empty of words: 293 were non-empty, out of the 302 tweet set. (Murtagh, 2017)
  • The clearest demonstration that an evolutionary change modified a phenotypic trait is to show the repercussions of making such a gene modification in vivo. (Hare, Johnston, 2011)
  • The level of confidence in the phenotypic consequences of such cis-regulatory mutations can range from extremely high (the allele with divergent expression has been shown transgenically to confer a direct difference in phenotype) to moderate (the repercussions of manipulating the orthologous gene in a related species have been shown), to suggestive (an aspect of the gene's expression pattern is often associated with the trait across many species). (Hare, Johnston, 2011)
  • Two moments with repercussions on sea buckthorn classification are the reporting of a new species 愼㹤 H. neurocarpa S.W. (Truta et al., 2010)
  • STEBBINS, 1971 stated that the tendency to karyotype asymmetrization by the increase of the number of telocentric chromosomes in spite of those of metacentric and submetacentric type represents a progressive step in karyotype evolution and has repercussions on species evolution. (Truta et al., 2010)
  • The serious repercussions of the loss of cocoyam genetic diversity have led to the collection, evaluation, and conservation of cocoyam genetic resources in different regions, Malawi inclusive. (Mwenye et al., 2016)
  • Genomic reorganisation and changes in gene expression can directly and indirectly alter genetic pathways and regulatory mechanisms, resulting in a cascade of genomic repercussions of WGD at the phenotypic level. (Marchant, Soltis, Soltis, 2016)
  • Despite these uncertainties in global climate models, conservation planning has to consider the future repercussions of climate change because it will likely decrease the future efficacy or eliminate all the benefits derived from contemporary conservation projects. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • They will need to understand these larger scale issues since decisions made at these scales will have repercussions on where conservation is possible and what can be practiced at the conservation project scale. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Therefore, conservation planners must have tools allowing them to explore the repercussions and the trade-offs needed to be made among multiple competing demands and identify the places where resources are finite. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • This suggests that removal of seed dispersers by anthropogenic activities could have several repercussions. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Some of the potential consequences of fragmentation include the loss of patch types and their characteristic species, decreased connectivity with its repercussions for species movements, and decreased interior area. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Leontief W (1970) Environmental repercussions and the economic structure: An input璷utput approach. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Some human-driven physical and chemical changes have no repercussions on the biota; others do, becoming agents of biotic impoverishment. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Compared with the ample information on the repercussions of ABA on stomatal gas exchange, data on the other two routes of effect is scant and inconclusive. (Blum, 2015)
  • The use of OC strategy, taking into account both relationships and performances 410 of the individuals, to update the reference population: i) allowed for better conservation of 411 genetic diversity in the breeding population, ii) predicted more accurate BV and iii) had only 20 412 minor repercussions on the genetic gain. (Eynard et al., 2017)
  • In this study, we have showed that optimization strategies that controls the loss of genetic diversity (MOOB framework) allows to (i) better conservate genetic variance in the breeding population, (ii) to better estimate of GEBVs and (iii) to have minor repercussions on the genetic gain (Eynard et al 2017; Gorjanc et al 2017). (Akdemir et al., 2018)
  • While biologists have long studied the evolutionary repercussions of heritable between-individual variation (e.g. (Dingemanse, Dochtermann, 2013)
  • However, the alterations in sucrose metabolism, specifically in the symplastically loading plant Populus, appears to cause other downstream repercussions within the plant, particularly with respect to carbohydrate signalling and sensing, which can augment cell wall biosynthesis, as is evident in the altered lignin biosynthesis. (Coleman et al., 2007)
  • However, the contrasting distribution patterns observed between subalpine larch and western larch raises the question if these differences had repercussions on the amount and distribution patterns of genetic diversity. (KHASA et al., 2006)
  • For example, polymorphisms in neuronal calcium channels have diverse and often indirect repercussions on numerous downstream neural transcription targets4. (Chesler et al., 2005)
  • Therefore, differential growth of the internal versus surface components of the nucleus might cause dosage imbalance, which would have regulatory repercussions. (Comai, 2005)
  • These properties of essential genes, emerging from a vast body of literature, have repercussions in a variety of fields, from evolutionary and systems biology to drug development. (Rancati et al., 2017)
  • Quantitative genetic theory implies that social interactions can have major evolutionary repercussions, particularly when an individual's phenotype is affected by the genotypes of conspecifics: these effects are called IGEs12, 13, 15. (Santostefano et al., 2017)
  • Importantly, a genetic architecture that includes genetic variation in and its covariance with other DGEs and IGEs would likely reveal further interesting repercussions for evolutionary processes of behavioural traits. (Santostefano et al., 2017)
  • As a result, it is widely believed that the disruption of these interactions in fragmented landscapes, particularly mutualistic ones related to plant reproductions and establishment, could have major repercussions for ecosystem functioning. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
  • It is then possible to reproduce a simulation already constructed (but not saved), or to appreciate the repercussions of a modification of the structural parameters (scale parameter, sill) by constructing several simulations corresponding to different parameters while reusing the same pseudorandom numbers. (Chiles, Pierre, 2012)
  • Les genes inHuant sur l a va riance d' un cha ractere quan titif et leurs repercussions possi bles sur la se lection . (Crow, Kimura, 2009)
  • The existence of a strong positive correlation between genotype mean and sensitivity could have important repercussions for the future development of that crop, because it signifies that improved performance could be attained by selecting for either of these two phenotypic attributes. (Hill, Becker, Tigerstedt, 1998)
  • Other severe repercussions include ecological infrastructure damages, unfavorable climate change, deforestation, and soil erosion (Zacharia 2011), thus disturbing the overall sustainability of agriculture system and environment, which ultimately leads to major health concerns, extinction of wildlife, and other life forms (Carson 1962). (Jay Shankar Singh, 2017)
  • Vinod these crops will have long-term repercussions - the production decline and commodity price escalation. (Maheswari, Yadav, Shanker, 2012)
  • The 65% reduction in nematode population was observed to be associated with a 32% loss of function in carbon cycling suggesting that changes in abundance of a single key species may have major repercussions particularly in low diversity ecosystems (Barret et al 2008). (Maheswari, Yadav, Shanker, 2012)
  • 2.1.3 Two Critical Tweets in Terms of Twitter Sub-narratives To investigate our two critical tweets, such as the immediate or other past antecedents, and the repercussions or subsequent evolution of the Twitter narrative, we will now determine sub-narratives in the overall Twitter narrative. (Murtagh, 2017)
  • Small effects of experimental treatments may be biologically significant when we are dealing with rates of gene flow, selection, or some physiological measurements, because small differences can have important repercussions in population genetics or organism health. (Quinn, Keough, 2002)
  • Other severe repercussions include ecological infrastructure damages, unfavorable climate change, deforestation, and soil erosion (Zacharia 2011), thus disturbing the overall sustainability of agriculture system and environment, which ultimately leads to major health concerns, extinction of wildlife, and other life forms (Carson 1962). (Singh, Seneviratne, 2017)
  • However, bubbles and crashes are recurrent phenomena which have enormous repercussions for the global economy. (Unknown, 2017)
  • The repercussions from the intense debate over evolution in Panaxia dominula have continued to the present. (Wright, William, 1986)



    本文标题:re.per.cuss.ion -cuss =shake 摇、敲
