最近适配Android 11的时候,想用InputStream直接解压压缩文件,但有部分压缩包出现了unsupported feature data descriptor used in entry这个异常。遇到自己不熟悉的问题时,下意识就在搜素引擎找。
我用的解压库是Apache Commons Compress,网上的解决方案都是相互抄来抄去,都是说在构造ZipArchiveInputStream的时候将参数allowStoredEntriesWithDataDescriptor设为true,但并没有用。
官方文档在此 http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-compress/zip.html#ZipArchiveInputStream_vs_ZipFile
ZIP archives store a archive entries in sequence and contain a registry of all entries at the very end of the archive. It is acceptable for an archive to contain several entries of the same name and have the registry (called the central directory) decide which entry is actually to be used (if any).
In addition the ZIP format stores certain information only inside the central directory but not together with the entry itself, this is:
- internal and external attributes
- different or additional extra fields
This means the ZIP format cannot really be parsed correctly while reading a non-seekable stream, which is what ZipArchiveInputStream is forced to do. As a result ZipArchiveInputStream
- may return entries that are not part of the central directory at all and shouldn't be considered part of the archive.
- may return several entries with the same name.
will not return internal or external attributes.- may return incomplete extra field data.
- may return unknown sizes and CRC values for entries until the next entry has been reached if the archive uses the data descriptor feature (see below).
- can not skip over bytes that occur before the real zip stream.
- 可能会返回根本不属于中央目录的条目,并且不是压缩包里的
- 可能会返回多个具有相同名称的条目
- 不会返回内部或外部属性
- 可能会返回不完整的额外字段数据
- 如果存档使用数据描述符功能,则可能会返回未知的条目大小和CRC值,直到到达下一个条目为止
- 无法跳过实际zip流之前的字节
ZipArchiveInputStream vs ZipFile的比较,ZipFile完胜。