写完说理之艺三段论的作业,感觉以后若是与人争辩,可以慢悠悠地加上一句:“诶,不如我们画个韦恩图来算算?”😜 21 Lessons for the 21st Century 读到了第20章,之后可以写写每章的summary,摘抄金句和有趣的例子(写作计划+1)。昨日发现一本读起来应该很好玩的书:《显微镜下的大明》。非虚构类作品里还是有很多值得好好读的书的哪(然而我最爱的还是小说🤷♀️)
Stoner人生中的高光时刻 - 事业线 - Chapter Six
Nevertheless he began to feel a joy in property and to know a comfort that he had not anticipated. His study was on the first floor off the living room, with a high north window; in the daytime the room was softly illumined, and the wood paneling glowed with the richness of age. He found in the cellar a quantity of boards which, beneath the ravages of dirt and mold, matched the paneling of the room. He refinished these boards and constructed bookcases, so that he might be surrounded by his books; at a used furniture store he found some dilapidated chairs, a couch, and an ancient desk for which he paid a few dollars and which he spent many weeks repairing.
As he worked on the room, and as it began slowly to take a shape, he realized that for many years, unknown to himself, he had had an image locked somewhere within him like a shamed secret, an image that was ostensibly of a place but which was actually of himself. So it was himself that he was attempting to define as he worked on his study. As he sanded the old boards for his bookcases, and saw the surface roughnesses disappear, the gray weathering flake away to the essential wood and finally to a rich purity of grain and texture—as he repaired his furniture and arranged it in the room, it was himself that he was slowly shaping, it was himself that he was putting into a kind of order, it was himself that he was making possible.
Thus, despite the regularly recurring pressures of debt and need, the next few years were happy, and he lived much as he had dreamed that he might live when he was a young student in graduate school and when he had first married.
人们常犯的认知偏误中有个叫“后视偏差”(hindsight bias),简单说来约等于我们常说的“事后诸葛亮”。面对人生中的各种不确定因素,我们往往不知该如何抉择。可当一切都尘埃落定,回过头再看,原本混沌的一切会忽然变得异常清晰:“诶,XXX这不是显而易见的么?我早就说了嘛,这件事就是XXX的!” 知道了结局的我们,将再也无法回到之前信息不全、抉择不定的状态。
图片来源:https://cognitivefootball.wordpress.com/2017/03/30/measuring-predictions/(Hindsight bias and how to measure the quality of football predictions)其实吧,后视偏差与小说本身并没什么关系。Stoner在之后遭遇妻子各种非难时,也未曾表现出捶胸顿足、悔不当初的姿态。相反,他把责任全揽在了自己身上,默默忍耐Edith所有的过激行为。(忽然觉得,若是能找到这样的人相伴终身,应该会是件极其幸运且幸福的事情吧。对Stoner的好感度再次上升🥰)
"Bill, if we never have anything else, we will have had this week."
Then, though I lose everything in the end, I still have had these happy years. 当他最终躺在玻璃廊下,垂垂赴死的时候,心头是否也曾划过这样的话?