
作者: 谷少语 | 来源:发表于2016-08-03 18:39 被阅读0次



When I leaf through in my memories

There's a road named Weiyi

It's a summer that passed so long years

But I still remember the wind blow sky so sweet

It was a day seems world only

left over me and wind

I walked on the Weiyi road

Wearing shadow of platane trees

The road was beautiful as its name

Peaceful with me and my footprint

When I turn left from a side

There you just smiling stay

I remember you wear a white dress

with long hair fluttering in the wind

When I turn left on that way

There you just smiling stay

I have some words want you hear

But finally nothing I did say

Even a word,Hello, Hi

How are you doing

Sometimes a cycle bell ring

Sometimes a leaf fall away

I met you on that road

I lost you on that way

If I traveling in Weiyi road someday

Pray to meet you here again

Again with the blue sky and wind

And shadows of the platane trees

Now I traveling on a noisy city

Always dream Weiyi road old street

Dream I said what I want to say

Without any time to hesitate

Dream I said you are so beautiful

As the faery from the paradise

And I seen a smiling in your face

Then you hiding in the shadows away

I hear a cycle bell's ring

I see a leaf falling away

I travel on Weiyi road with rain

I would never come back again




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