

作者: 芷兮要吃巧克力 | 来源:发表于2020-06-26 22:56 被阅读0次

    小编在学习英文的时候呢,总觉得由一个动词加一个介词组成的动词短语 (phrasal verbs)一直让我不断scratch my head(抓后脑勺)。



    Once upon a time, there was a rich but small kingdom (王国). It was protected by a huge gate (巨大的门), but its king was weak.

    One day, an army (军队) from a stronger kingdom broke in (闯入). The king gave in (认输) immediately (迅速) and handed in (上缴) all of its treasures (财宝) to the army to avoid (避免) any war on his land.

    There were too many treasures. It took 1000 trunks(箱子) to fit them in (把它们塞进去). The army left without killing or hurting anybody.

    The king thought he saved his kingdom. However, when he was bragging (大肆赞扬) about this during a meeting with his ministers (大臣们), one minister cut in (插嘴). “Forgive me, my king, but I think it’s hard for me to take it in (理解). Aren’t we now poorer and weaker?”

    虽然故事纯属虚构,可是在这段小故事里,我们认识了很多有in的短语,比如break in, give in, hand in, fit in…

    in这个介词本来的意思是在…里面,因此,break in就是闯入,

    cut in 就是在对话里插进自己的话,或插嘴,

    fit in 就是把…塞进去。fit in 也可以引申理解为 融入。当我们进入一个new environment (新环境)时,我们总希望自己能够逐渐fit in。

    take in就是把…拿到心里,或理解。

    当强盗break in your room时,你的房间门会被踢开,呈现向里碎裂的样子。由此呢,有些动词短语里的in有崩溃,倒下的意思,引申出give in 的认输,屈从含义。

    另外,如果我们转换视角,从故事中army 的角度来看的话,财宝从别的国家流进自己手中,所以hand in 就表示上缴。教授经常设置hand in my paper (论文)的最晚期限,很是头疼。

    Jay has just started college. He wants to ____ as soon as possible.
    A. give in
    B. fit in
    C. cut in
    My sister doesn’t like it that I always ____ when she speaks. She thinks I steal her thunder(抢她的风头).
    A. break in
    B. fit in
    C. cut in
    His coach encourages (鼓励) him to not ____ even when his opponent (对手) seems strong.
    A. fit in
    B. hand in
    C. give in

    I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut in. (湖南高考,2005)

    My schedule is very tight now, but I will try to fit you in. (浙江高考,2011)

    It was several minutes before I took in what he was saying. (湖北高考,2014)



