
作者: IT界汤哥看世界 | 来源:发表于2020-04-14 17:39 被阅读0次

    在简书里看见一句话,“适当提建议, 尽量别主动帮忙。 很多时候你的热心肠都会让对方觉得你认为他是**。”这句话,对也不对,有点道理也没点道理。毕竟,这与传统观念可不大像。人情冷暖很现实,很多事情主动帮忙,干得漂亮两家欢喜,搞砸了就尴尬了。三国里,袁绍出征,谋士说,必败。如果胜利了,尚且好说,但是失败了,谋士必死无疑。其实道理差不多。就此而言,这句话挺有道理挺实用。

    In Jane's book, I saw a sentence: "give proper advice and try not to offer help.". Most of the time, your warm-hearted will make the other side feel that you think he is a * * That's not true, it's not reasonable. After all, it's not like traditional ideas. It's very realistic that people are warm and cold. Many things are helped by themselves. The two families are happy when they do a good job. It's embarrassing when they screw up. In the Three Kingdoms, Yuan Shao set out to fight. The counselor said that he would be defeated. If we win, it's easy to say, but if we fail, there is no doubt that the counselor will die. In fact, the truth is similar. In this regard, this sentence is quite reasonable and practical.



