你可能以为是意大利的奢侈品牌杜嘉班纳:Dolce & Gabbana
不不不,它改名了,实际上是:Dustbin & Garbage
· dustbin:a large container outside your house, used for holding waste until it is taken away 垃圾箱,垃圾桶
· garbage:waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 垃圾
背景是这样的,这个奢侈品牌原定今晚在上海举办“The Great Show”时装表演。而日前便在其官方社交媒体平台上放出系列宣传广告“起筷吃饭”(Eating With Chopsticks)。
视频中的旁白“故意”用“中式发音”将品牌名「Dolce & Gabbana」读成了“豆斯and嘎不娜”,而该意大利品牌发音并不是这样的。该品牌自己的宣传片会把自己的品牌名称读成这样?这会是什么原因。
Italian fashion house Dolce and Gabbana has been accused of racism after running three ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks.
The series of three videos, entitled "Eating With Chopsticks," show a woman eating large plates of pizza, spaghetti and a giant Italian cannoli pastry, while a male voice-over tells her what to do.
/spə'ɡeti, spəˋgɛtɪ/
表示“意大利式细面条”,英文解释为“Spaghetti is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce.”
表示“意大利面食”,英文解释为“an Italian food made from flour, eggs, and water and cut into various shapes, usually eaten with a sauce.”
a giant Italian cannoli pastry
在视频中指的是“意式香炸甜卷”,其中的pastry可以表示“茶点,点心”,英文解释为“a type of sweet cake made of special pastry and usually containing something such as fruit or nuts”,举个🌰:
We were offered a selection of cakes and pastries with our tea.
也可以指“油酥糕点;油酥点心”,英文解释为:a food made from a mixture of flour, fat, and water, rolled flat and either wrapped around or put over or under other foods, and then baked. 如:
shortcrust/puff/filo/choux/flaky pastry 松脆酥/(奶油松饼)泡芙/酥饼/鸡蛋饼/千层酥。
表示“(电视节目、电影的)画外音,解说,旁白”,英文解释为“information or remarks that are spoken on a television programme or film by someone who is not seen on the screen.”
The films were posted on Twitter and Instagram ahead of D&G's "The Great Show" fashion event to be held Wednesday in Shanghai. But some people have reacted angrily to them, with one writing "Orientalism is expressed so explicitly in this ad. It's very offensive to portrait all Chinese ppl (people) in such a stereotypical way."
随后,有网友爆出和D&G创始人之一的设计师Stefano Gabbana在社交媒体上的一段的对话:
“the country of 💩💩💩💩💩”,
Screenshots circulating online also showed designer Stefano Gabbana allegedly calling China “Ignorant Dirty Smelling Mafia” in an Instagram chat.
表示“(某组织或行业内部相互支持并相互保护的)势力集团,团体”,英文解释为“a powerful group of people within an organization or profession who support and protect each other”,如:
the medical mafia 医学界的势力集团
另外,大写的The Mafia指的是“黑手党”,英文解释为:The Mafia is a criminal organization that makes money illegally, especially by threatening people and dealing in drugs.
在此,只能再给这位设计师 Stefano Gabbana 改个名字了:
Stupid Garbage
“We are sorry for the impact and harm these untrue remarks have had on China and the Chinese people,” the luxury fashion brand said in an online apology in Chinese on Weibo, adding that Gabbana's Instagram account had been hacked.
Dolce & Gabbana 的官方Intragram 账号和 Stefano Gabbana 的 Instagram 账号被盗,我们已经立即通过法律途径解决。我们为这些不实言论给中国和中国人民造成的影响和伤害道歉。我们对中国和中国文化始终一贯的热爱与尊重。
作动词,表示“侵入(他人的计算机系统)”,英文解释为“to secretly find a way of getting information from someone else’s computer or changing information on it”,举个🌰:
He managed to hack the code.
此外,还有“砍,劈”的意思,英文解释为:to cut something roughly or violently,举个🌰:
An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight.
Celebrities, such as actress Li Bingbing and singer Wang Junkai, said they would boycott the Shanghai show.
可以作动词也可以作名词,此处为动词表示“抵制,排斥,联合抵制;拒绝参加”,英文解释为“to refuse to buy something, use something, or take part in something as a way of protesting”,举个🌰:
We boycott all products tested on animals.
所以,没办法,今晚D&G的GREAT SHOW因故改期(被迫取消)了,
Wednesday night's show in Shanghai “is rescheduled due to reasons,” the company said. “We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences caused by it.” But it did not specify a new date for the show.
It is not the first time Dolce & Gabbana have drawn fire in China. A series of advertisements last year prompted criticism. Social media users said that they only showed the grungy side of Chinese life.
表示“(人)无精打采的,邋遢的;(物)肮脏的”,英文解释为“(of a person) feeling tired and dirty, or (of a thing) dirty”,举个🌰:
He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old sweatshirt and jeans.
来源:Reuters & CNBC
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